Lindy Hop and other Swing dance classes

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Lindy Hop: beginners, continued, try it, Spring 2025 and full schedule.
Blues, Balboa, Solo Jazz etc: beginners, Try it, all

HepTown arranges swing dance courses in the south of Sweden. Always in Lund and Malmö. Sometimes also in Helsingborg and Ynglingarum near Tjörnarp. Primarily in the dance Lindy Hop but sometimes in other dances too.

Lindy Hop

Who dances Lindy Hop with HepTown?
 Everyone! From teens to senior citizens… Have a look at some photos from our events

During the great swing band era of the 20th century there emerged certain swing dances, quite unlike anything the world had ever seen before. The most well-known and legendary of these swing dances was the “Lindy Hop”. Also known as “Jitterbug”. Originated in the black neighborhoods of Harlem during the twenties and thirties. After decades of slumbering in oblivion, Lindy Hop has once again revived

Full swing dance course schedule 

What to try it first? Check out all the events with a Lindy Hop taster for beginners

Beginners’ Lindy Hop weekends and courses (A)

Start with a beginners course.

LevelStartDay & timePriceVenueInstructors  
A. Lindy Hop Beginners' Weekend Malmö 24-25/5, A
Lör & Sön 11-16 2 ggr. Start 24/5. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 650:-.
Instructors LinaMaria, Jerry.
A24/5Lör & Sön 11-162 ggr650:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöLinaMaria, JerryDirect 0 förare och 3 följare anmälda till totalt 50 platser
A. Nybörjarkurs i Lindy Hop 5 söndagar i Lund **PRELIMINÄR**, A
Sön 16.30-18.00 5 ggr. Start 31/8. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 650:-.
A31/8Sön 16.30-18.005 ggr650:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundInfo
A. Nybörjarkurs i Lindy Hop 5 onsdagar i Malmö **PRELIMINÄR**, A
Ons 18.15-19.45 5 ggr. Start 10/9 år 2025. Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, Malmö. Price 650:-.
A10/9 år 2025Ons 18.15-19.455 ggr650:-Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, MalmöInfo
A. Lindy Hop Beginners' Weekend Malmö 13-14/9 **PRELIMINARY**, A
Lör & Sön 11-16 2 ggr. Start 13/9 år 2025. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 650:-.
A13/9 år 2025Lör & Sön 11-162 ggr650:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöInfo
A. Lindy Hop Beginners' STUDENT & YOUTH track **PRELIMINARY**, A
Mån 18.00-20.00 4 ggr. Start 15/9 år 2025. Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, Lund. Price 325:-.
A15/9 år 2025Mån 18.00-20.004 ggr325:-Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, LundInfo
A. Lindy Hop Beginners' Weekend Lund 27-28/9 **PRELIMINARY**, A
Lör & sön 11-16 2 ggr. Start 27/9 år 2025. Gymnastiksal Lilla, Järnåkraskolan, Lund. Price 650:-.
A27/9 år 2025Lör & sön 11-162 ggr650:-Gymnastiksal Lilla, Järnåkraskolan, LundInfo

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Continue with a full semester of beginners-continued (B)

You can continue on any of these regardless of where you started. You can eg take a weekend in Lund and continue in Malmö

LevelStartDay & timePriceVenueInstructors  
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued SUNDAYS, B
Sön 16.30-18.00 10 ggr. Start 23/2. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 1050:-.
Instructors Jenny J, Kim.
B23/2Sön 16.30-18.0010 ggr1050:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundJenny J, KimLate 9 förare och 8 följare anmälda till totalt 40 platser
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued MONDAYS, B
Mån 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 3/3. Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, Lund. Price 1050:-.
Instructors Erika M, Georg.
B3/3Mån 18.15-19.4510 ggr1050:-Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, LundErika M, GeorgLate 10 förare och 12 följare anmälda till totalt 54 platser
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued WEDNESDAYS, B
Ons 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 5/3. Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, Malmö. Price 1050:-.
Instructors Annette, Johan N.
B5/3Ons 18.15-19.4510 ggr1050:-Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, MalmöAnnette, Johan NLate 20 förare och 21 följare anmälda till totalt 54 platser
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued as WEEKEND part 1, B
Lör & Sön 11-16 2 ggr. Start 15/3. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 650:-.
Instructors LinaMaria, Mattias B.
B15/3Lör & Sön 11-162 ggr650:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöLinaMaria, Mattias BDirect 14 förare och 15 följare anmälda till totalt 50 platser
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued as WEEKEND part 2, B+
Lör & Sön 11-16 2 ggr. Start 29/3. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 650:-.
Instructors LinaMaria, Mattias B.
B+29/3Lör & Sön 11-162 ggr650:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöLinaMaria, Mattias BDirect 3 förare och 6 följare anmälda till totalt 50 platser
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued SUNDAYS **PRELIMINARY**, B
Sön 16.30-18.00 10 ggr. Start 5/10 år 2025. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 1050:-.
B5/10 år 2025Sön 16.30-18.0010 ggr1050:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundInfo
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued MONDAYS **PRELIMINARY**, B
Mån 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 13/10 år 2025. Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, Lund. Price 1050:-.
B13/10 år 2025Mån 18.15-19.4510 ggr1050:-Gasquesalen, Kårhuset, LundInfo
B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued WEDNESDAYS **PRELIMINARY**, B
Ons 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 15/10 år 2025. Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, Malmö. Price 1050:-.
B15/10 år 2025Ons 18.15-19.4510 ggr1050:-Stora Salongen, Moriska Paviljongen, MalmöInfo

And after that you repeat or go on to beginners-intermediate.
See all classes at our full swing dance course schedule

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Next up beginner- intermediate (C)

LevelStartDay & timePriceVenueInstructors  
C. Lindy Hop Beg-intermediate, C
Sön 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 19/1. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 1250:-.
Instructors Jenny J, Kim.
C19/1Sön 18.15-19.4510 ggr1250:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundJenny J, KimClosed 7 förare och 7 följare anmälda till totalt 40 platser
C. Lindy Hop Beg-intermediate, C
Mån 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 3/2. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 1250:-.
Instructors Elin S, Niclas.
C3/2Mån 18.15-19.4510 ggr1250:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundElin S, NiclasClosed 13 förare och 13 följare anmälda till totalt 38 platser
C. Lindy Hop Beg-Intermediate, C
Ons 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 12/2. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 1250:-.
Instructors LinaMaria, Mattias B.
C12/2Ons 18.15-19.4510 ggr1250:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöLinaMaria, Mattias BClosed 27 förare och 31 följare anmälda till totalt 54 platser
C. Lindy Hop Beg-Intermediate **PRELIMINARY**, C
Ons 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 17/9 år 2025. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 1250:-.
C17/9 år 2025Ons 18.15-19.4510 ggr1250:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöInfo
C. Lindy Hop Beg-intermediate **PRELIMINARY**, C
Mån 18.15-19.45 10 ggr. Start 22/9 år 2025. Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, Lund. Price 1250:-.
C22/9 år 2025Mån 18.15-19.4510 ggr1250:-Gymnastiksal 42, Lerbäckskolan, LundInfo

Blues Dance, Solo Jazz, Boogie Woogie, Balboa and Collegiate Shag (Beginners’) courses

LevelStartDay & timePriceVenueInstructors  
Rhythm & Blues Dance *, A
Tis 18.15-19.45 4 ggr. Start 4/3. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 490:-.
Instructors Jenny G, Rainer.
A4/3Tis 18.15-19.454 ggr490:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöJenny G, RainerLate 5 förare och 6 följare anmälda till totalt 40 platser
A. Solo Jazz Dance: beginners' course, Jenny's Jazz part 1-3 *, A-D
Tis 20.00-21.30 4 ggr. Start 4/3. Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, Malmö. Price 450:-.
Instructors Jenny G.
A-D4/3Tis 20.00-21.304 ggr450:-Festsalen, Ungdomens hus, MalmöJenny GLate 12 anmälda till 40 platser

Events that include a beginners Lindy Hop taster class

All events that include a beginners Lindy Hop taster class

Events that include a beginners taster class in Blues Dance, solo jazz, Balboa, Shag, Boogie etc

Swing course news

Happy Holiday and a Swingin’ New Year. Back January 8th Posted in: classes, Front news, Site news, Uncategorized - As our swing season has now come to an end we want to give a big thanks to everyone for joining us and welcome you back next year. For that last-minute Christmas gift, why not give them a Lindy Hop course? Read more here All your admin wants for Christmas is for… Continue Reading
Dance course registration Spring 2025 is open Posted in: classes, Front news - Big thanks to all teachers, volunteers and participants this Fall and welcome to sign-up for the Spring 2025 courses. Do you want to give a beginner’s Lindy Hop or other weekend/course as a Christmas gift? Since last time we've added and opened the registration for Lindy Hop D & E… Continue Reading
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, DANCE! Posted in: classes, Front news - On Monday Join us for our weekly Monday Night Swing social dance, at Kårhuset in Lund.  Mondays also offer Lindy Hop classes on many levels. Note that some events are moved due to other aktivitets at Kårhuset. Always check the calendar before you go On Tuesdays, we have our new Solo Jazz tracks, which… Continue Reading