21/7 – SUMMER DANCE: Dans på Stranden, Balboa & Lindy Hop med prova-på för nybörjare
Dans på stranden Vid strandkiosken vid Kallis-bryggan, Malmö, SEWelcome to Cats' Corners swing on the beach, Sundays June 30th to August 11th. tonight we have a Balboa taster starting at at 6:30 pm and a swinging social dance … Continue reading "21/7 – SUMMER DANCE: Dans på Stranden, Balboa & Lindy Hop med prova-på för nybörjare"
Wednesday Night Hop| Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 28/8
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Tonight we kick off at 18:30 -19:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop| Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 28/8"
Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance & Lindy Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | Blues Dance 4/9
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Entrance through the beer garden at the back which is open on one last Wednesday. … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance & Lindy Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | Blues Dance 4/9"
Wednesday Night Hop| Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 11/9
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Tonight we kick off at 18:30 -19:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop| Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 11/9"
Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 2/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Blues dance class for beginners and experienced blues dancers alike 20:15-21:15 followed by social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 2/10"
LIVE: Swingularity Big Band | Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Balboa taster class | Social Dance
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöTonight we get the rare opportunity to swing out all night to a proper big band! SWINGULARITY BIG BAND is coming to Wednesday Night Hop with their spectacular show: ✨Into … Continue reading "LIVE: Swingularity Big Band | Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Balboa taster class | Social Dance"
Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 13/11
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Blues dance class for beginners and experienced blues dancers alike 20:15-21:15 followed by social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 13/11"
Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Shag taster | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 20/11
Moriska Paviljongen, Folkets Park, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Shag taster for beginners and experienced dancers 20:15-21:15 followed by social dance 21:15-22:15 in … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Shag taster | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 20/11"
Wednesday Night Hop MOVED TO BARNENS SCEN | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 27.11
Barnens Scen Falsterbogatan17, Malmö, SETonight moved to the beautiful dance floor at Barnens scen HepTown’s Lindy Hop B right before this social dance is moved to Johannesskolan Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop MOVED TO BARNENS SCEN | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 27.11"
Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 4/12
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Blues dance class for beginners and experienced blues dancers alike 20:15-21:15 followed by social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 4/12"
Wednesday Night Hop | Season Finale! | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 18/12
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22:30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Season Finale! | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 18/12"
Wednesday Night Hop | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Social dance | 8/1
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. We plan to include both a Lindy Hop and a Blues dance drop-in class for … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Social dance | 8/1"
Monday Night Swing | Dinner | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner classes | Social dance 13/1
Smålands Nation Kastanjegatan 7, Lund, SEJoin us as the season kicks off with a special edition of Monday Night Swing at Smålands Nation. The evening starts with dinner and drop in classes for beginners' in … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Dinner | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner classes | Social dance 13/1"
New Years Blues!
Kopparbergsgatan 15, 214 44 MalmöHello Blues Dancers. UPDATES: 🕺 Taster 19:30 - 20:15 Our own Katti Widerdal will be leading a taster to warm our spirits and feet prior to the DJ. 🍷New Year … Continue reading "New Years Blues!"
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner classes | Social dance 20/1
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenTonight we're back at Kårhuset with a very special edition of Monday Night swing The evening starts with drop in classes for beginners' in both Lindy Hop and Blues dance. … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner classes | Social dance 20/1"
Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa och Tango 2025
MejerietÅrets stora dansfest är nu gratis och öppen för alla. Fri ålder. Det blir en intensiv blandning av Salsa, Lindy Hop (swing) och Tango, med överraskningar på scenen och på … Continue reading "Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa och Tango 2025"
Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. New to Lindy Hop or Blues Dance? There is a blues drop-in class tonight for … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2"
Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEKom och prova på Lindyhop för Swingkids 10-14 år i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen under Sportlovet 20/2 kl 17-18. Alla, nybörjare som erfarna, är välkomna att vara med! Vi kommer att … Continue reading "Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen"
Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEVälkomna till Lindy Hop Aerials prova-på med LinaMaria & Mattias i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen! Vi fortsätter sen med aerialskurser på två nivåer torsdagar resten av terminen samt en helg. Mer … Continue reading "Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Rhythm & Blues Dance Class | Lindy Hop | 26/2
Cats' Corner Moriska Paviljongen, Folkets Park, Malmö, SEWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: drop-in Rhythm & Blues dance class 20:30-21:30 in Spegel salen included Doors open: 20:00 … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Rhythm & Blues Dance Class | Lindy Hop | 26/2"
Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. New to Lindy Hop or Blues Dance? There is a blues drop-in class tonight for … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2"