Dancing Balboa is like floating on the dance floor to amazing jazz in a perfect hug with your partner and effortless communication (even at faster or crazy tempos) and expression of the rhythms, riffs, and melodies of the music. Sign-up for this fast paced and fun Balboa weekend for both beginners’ and a bit more … Continue reading "Balboa Beginners/Fundamentals Weekend Malmö 2-3/11"
Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members / students Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: https://goo.gl/maps/kBpFWfswzEjyKyvb9 Volunteer at the front desk: http://catscorner.se/volunteering/ Volunteering? We often need help … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 6/11"
Att kunna både föra och följa är en förutsättning för att verkligen förstå dansen. Att sen kunna byta snyggt gör dansen väldigt rolig och händelserik. På den här kursen får du lära dig "den andra rollen" och några smidiga byten mellan Du bör ha genomgått basblocken A-C som en av rollerna för att anmäla dig … Continue reading "Lindy Hop: Switching roles start 12/11"
Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Blues dance class for beginners and experienced blues dancers alike 20:15-21:15 followed by social blues dance 21:15-22:15 in "Spegelsalen". The drop-in class is included in the regular entrance fee and you are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginners drop-in Blues dance | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 13/11"
At noon TODAY the 15th of November we open the registration for Spring Lindy Hop courses A-levels some are already open for registration, more will open a.s.a.p. November 15th at noon we open the registration for B & C December 6th at noon we open registration for D & E Don't panic! Everyone that signs-up … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Course Registration Spring 2025"
Olika danser med samma bakgrund lever idag helt separat. Vi vill skapa möten, bygga broar, inspirera och om inget annat ge dig en riktigt kul och inspirerande kurs som du inte vill missa. Genom att utforska olika, både nutida och historiska danser inom samma kultur får du en större förståelse för den egna dansen….. På … Continue reading "Street Dance (for Lindy Hoppers)"
Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Shag taster for beginners and experienced dancers 20:15-21:15 followed by social dance 21:15-22:15 in "Spegelsalen". The class is included in the regular entrance fee and you are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance ability, with or without a … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Shag taster | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 20/11"
Tonight moved to the beautiful dance floor at Barnens scen https://maps.app.goo.gl/YemEVYDBxJ74frxcA HepTown’s Lindy Hop B right before this social dance is moved to Johannesskolan https://www.heptown.com/johannesskolan/ Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats’ Corner members / students Barnens Scen, Folkets Park, Falsterbogatan 17, 214 36 Malmö Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/YemEVYDBxJ74frxcA Volunteer at … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop MOVED TO BARNENS SCEN | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 27.11"