Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/2
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/2"
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 11/2
Mellanvångsvägen 10A, SE-223 55 Lund, SverigeTuesday is Blues day! At least for the following. 3 Tuesdays in Lund.... The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance … Continue reading "Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 11/2"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 12/2
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 12/2"
Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 15-16/2
Järnåkraskolan Mellanvångsvägen 1, Lund, SEThis weekend is now completely full and has, unusually, 3 LEADERS in queue. However, the follower who signs up now has a good chance of getting alast minute spot if … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 15-16/2"
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 17/2
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. Tonights swing DJs: Anton and Fredric New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 17/2"
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 18/2
Mellanvångsvägen 10A, SE-223 55 Lund, SverigeTuesday is Blues day in Lund! BUT only for the following. 2 Tuesdays .... The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social … Continue reading "Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 18/2"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 19/2
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 19/2"
Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEKom och prova på Lindyhop för Swingkids 10-14 år i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen under Sportlovet 20/2 kl 17-18. Alla, nybörjare som erfarna, är välkomna att vara med! Vi kommer att … Continue reading "Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen"
Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEVälkomna till Lindy Hop Aerials prova-på med LinaMaria & Mattias i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen! Vi fortsätter sen med aerialskurser på två nivåer torsdagar resten av terminen samt en helg. Mer … Continue reading "Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik"
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 24/2
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom Gasquesalen at Kårhuset. Tonights swing DJs: t.b.a. New to Lindy Hop? There is … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 24/2"
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 25/2 – Last chance!
Mellanvångsvägen 10A, SE-223 55 Lund, Sverige###THE LAST TUESDAY NIGHT BLUES! but we continue Tuesdays in Malmö The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance in … Continue reading "Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 25/2 – Last chance!"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Rhythm & Blues Dance Class | Lindy Hop | 26/2
Cats' Corner Moriska Paviljongen, Folkets Park, Malmö, SEWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: drop-in Rhythm & Blues dance class 20:30-21:30 in Spegel salen included Doors open: 20:00 … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Rhythm & Blues Dance Class | Lindy Hop | 26/2"
Lindy Hop Aerials Nybörjarkurs / Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen / Start 27/2
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEHar du sett dansare göra häftiga lyft och tänkt "det där vill jag testa"? Nu har du chansen! LinaMaria Bengtsson och Mattias Bruzelius undervisar i svängig och rolig partner-dansakrobatik … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Aerials Nybörjarkurs / Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen / Start 27/2"
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 3/3 | Swing DJ Todi
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the BIG ballroom a.k.a. Gasquesalenat Kårhuset. Tonight we also kick off the B Lindy Hop course … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 3/3 | Swing DJ Todi"
Rhythm & Blues dance course 4 Tuesdays in Malmö
Ungdomens Hus Norra Skolgatan 10B, Malmö, SwedenMjuk och bluesig Rhythm & Blues-dans Vill du dansa till svängiga Rhythm & Blues-rytmer? Då är denna kurs perfekt för dig! Vi utforskar en dans som påminner om Boogie Woogie, … Continue reading "Rhythm & Blues dance course 4 Tuesdays in Malmö"
Solo Jazz Dance / Authentic Jazz / Jazz Roots / Jenny’s Jazz Tuesdays in Malmö
Ungdomens HusSolojazz / Autentisk jazz är solodansen (där du dansar själv utan partner) inom swingfamiljen. Med många olika steg och rutiner är solojazz ett fantastiskt sätt att få kroppskontroll, motion och … Continue reading "Solo Jazz Dance / Authentic Jazz / Jazz Roots / Jenny’s Jazz Tuesdays in Malmö"
Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. New to Lindy Hop or Blues Dance? There is a blues drop-in class tonight for … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Blues dance class | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 5/2"
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/3
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom Gasquesalen at Kårhuset. Tonights swing DJ: DJ Todi New to Lindy Hop? There … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/3"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 12/3
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. If you feel like practicing before social dancing, there is a free Cats' Corner's warmup/practice … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 12/3"
Lindy Hop Beg-continued as WEEKEND part 1
Ungdomens Hus Norra Skolgatan 10B, Malmö, SwedenDetta är första delen av två i B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued som helgkurser istället för terminskurs. För att få en komplett B-kurs behöver du även boka del 2. På denna … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Beg-continued as WEEKEND part 1"
Monday Night Swing | Dinner | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner class | Social dance 17/3
Smålands Nation Kastanjegatan 7, Lund, SEJoin us for a special edition of Monday Night Swing at Smålands Nation. The evening starts with a drop in Lindy Hop class for beginners' and continues with dinner and … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Dinner | Lindy Hop | Blues dance | Beginner class | Social dance 17/3"
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 19/3
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen.. If you feel like practicing before social dancing, there is a free Cats' Corner's warmup/practice … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 19/3"
Wednesday Night Hop | ÅRSMÖTE | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 26/3
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen - this week featuring Cats' Corner's Annual Assembly (årsmöte)! Doors open: 20:00 Social lindy hop: … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | ÅRSMÖTE | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 26/3"
Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen 17/4
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEKom och prova på Lindyhop för Swingkids 10-14 år i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen under Sportlovet 20/2 kl 17-18. Alla, nybörjare som erfarna, är välkomna att vara med! Vi kommer att … Continue reading "Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen 17/4"
Jazzy Spring Weekend with Jo Hoffberg ~ MALMÖ ~ 2025
Malmö Folkdansare Sallerupsvägen 26, Malmö, SEGet ready for a jazzy spring weekend with Jo Hoffberg! We are delighted to have Jo back in Malmö this spring for two full days Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz … Continue reading "Jazzy Spring Weekend with Jo Hoffberg ~ MALMÖ ~ 2025"