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Arbejdermuseet, RĂžmersgade 22, 1362 Copenhagen K

SwingShoes Winter Swing Ball is happening! We have planned a fantastic night for you guys, just packed with all sorts of wonderful stuff! There will be awesome performances Out-of-this-World amazing Dj and live swing music by the One-and-Only STOCKHOLM SWING ALL STARS! The Swing Ball will be held at Arbejdermuseets Festsal. The prelimary program of … Continue reading "SWINGSHOES WINTER SWING BALL"

Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa och Tango

Mejeriet Stora Södergatan 64, Lund, SE

Årets stora dansfest Ă€r nu gratis och öppen för alla. Ålder blir 13 Ă„r plus. Det blir en intensiv blandning av Salsa, Lindy Hop (swing) och Tango, med överraskningar pĂ„ scenen och pĂ„ dansgolvet. Vi börjar kvĂ€llen med workshops i respektive dans. Vi erbjuder tre omgĂ„ngar med kurser (enligt schemat nedan) och ni har dĂ€rför … Continue reading "Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa och Tango"

Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle

LerbĂ€ckskolan ÖresundsvĂ€gen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? You choose if you want to social dance, train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics mats and tools for those who want to practice acrobatics at their own risk. You are also welcome to set up a … Continue reading "Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle"

27/11 – Sunday tea-dance

Kirsebergs Fritids- & Kulturhus Kronetorpsgatan 1, Malmö, SE

Sunday afternoon every other week (odd weeks), we will have a cosy afternoon together. Drinking tea (or coffee), eating cookies, and most important dance together. Swingin tunes will be heard, and a floor perfect for a swing-out or two. When: Every other Sunday at 16-18 (on odd weeks) Where: Kirsebergs kulturhus (door right next to … Continue reading "27/11 – Sunday tea-dance"

Balboa Circle Malmö practice

Ystadsgatan 53D, SE-214 44 Malmö, Sverige

Hej đŸ’„ Join our weekly Balboa practice at StudiefrĂ€mjandet! 💃đŸ•ș. 🗝 This trimester we practice for 1,5hrs in a room number 307 (upstairs). 🖍 If you have not attended our practice before, please send me a pm if you are coming since I will need register your details (❗you must attend at least 1 out … Continue reading "Balboa Circle Malmö practice"

Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 28/11

KÄrhuset John Ericssons vÀg 3, Lund, SE

For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some moves to later use on the social dance. To leran more join the beginners weekend. We mostly … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 28/11"

Wednesday Night Hop 30/11

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. For 30 min of your time, you'll receive free entrance for the night. There's a … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop 30/11"

HFS Friday Party – Josefin Björk Werner & the Old Fashioned Love Quartet

Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DK

Friday Party in the home of happy feet! Join a great evening of dancing and hanging out in our cozy studio. Time: 19.00-01.00 Location: Ørnevej 33, 2400 Kbh NV (5min walk from NĂžrrebro station and the new metro station). Entrance: 160 kr. (student price: 130 kr. via valid Student ID) No online sale, only tickets … Continue reading "HFS Friday Party – Josefin Björk Werner & the Old Fashioned Love Quartet"

X-Mas Swing Party Odense

Lindy Hop Odense - Swing the Shoes OASK Danseskole, RugÄrdsvej 15A, 5000 Odense C (torsdagsundervisning), Odense, DK

(English below) JulelĂŠkkerier, hygge, nye venner, kendte venner og swingmusik ad libitum - sĂŠt X i kalenderen. FĂŠllesspisning kl. 18.00 - pris kr. 310,- inkl. liveband Intro til Lindy Hop kl. 20.15 Bigband 5000 DK kl. 21.00 - koncert kr. 150,- inkl. intro Tilmelding: SENEST 20. november. English: Lots of cosyness, new friends, swing … Continue reading "X-Mas Swing Party Odense"

Hepcats Sunday Swing | Kulturhuset Indre By

Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DK

UPDATE: Dec 11th dance is upgraded to an X-mas party - read more and sign up here: ============================ Hepcats Copenhagen are delighted to once again proudly present, "Hepcats' Sunday Swing" - the Copenhagen swing community's social dancing Sunday hang-out. The DJs will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing | Kulturhuset Indre By"

Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle

LerbĂ€ckskolan ÖresundsvĂ€gen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? You choose if you want to social dance, train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics mats and tools for those who want to practice acrobatics at their own risk. You are also welcome to set up a … Continue reading "Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle"

04/12 Sunday Tea Dance (FFS)

Kirsebergs Fritids- & Kulturhus Kronetorpsgatan 1, Malmö, SE

On Sunday, December 4th, Fast Feet is once again collaborating with Cat’s Corner to bring you an extra special tea dance on this “even” week. Join us in Kirseberg for a slightly faster evening, perfect for all us Balboa, Shag, and fast lindy lovers. We’ll have dancing and fika for you all afternoon. kl. 16.00 … Continue reading "04/12 Sunday Tea Dance (FFS)"

Balboa Circle Malmö practice

Ystadsgatan 53D, SE-214 44 Malmö, Sverige

Hej đŸ’„ Join our weekly Balboa practice at StudiefrĂ€mjandet! 💃đŸ•ș. 🗝 This trimester we practice for 1,5hrs in a room number 307 (upstairs). 🖍 If you have not attended our practice before, please send me a pm if you are coming since I will need register your details (❗you must attend at least 1 out … Continue reading "Balboa Circle Malmö practice"

Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 5/12

KÄrhuset John Ericssons vÀg 3, Lund, SE

Join us for the last swing-out this Fall on the big smooth hard wood dance floor in Gasquesalen at KĂ„rhuset in Lund. December 12th & 19th is moved to SmĂ„lands Nation For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 5/12"

Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 7/12

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 18:15 Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18:30-19:30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 7/12"

Balboa pĂ„ Globen – med mulighed for spisning fĂžrst

Cafe Globen Turesensgade 2b, Copenhagen, DK

December er jo fyldt med julefrokoster. Vi holder ikke egentlig julefrokost, men synes det kunne vĂŠre hyggeligt at mĂždes til en bid brĂžd fĂžr social dans. Konceptet er helt uformelt: Medbring en dele-venlig (jule)ret til fĂŠllesspisning. Vi regner med at spise ca. 18 og danse fra ca. 19:30 Skriv gerne, om du kommer, sĂ„ vi … Continue reading "Balboa pĂ„ Globen – med mulighed for spisning fĂžrst"

Hepcats Sunday Swing | Kulturhuset Indre By

Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DK

UPDATE: Dec 11th dance is upgraded to an X-mas party - read more and sign up here: ============================ Hepcats Copenhagen are delighted to once again proudly present, "Hepcats' Sunday Swing" - the Copenhagen swing community's social dancing Sunday hang-out. The DJs will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing | Kulturhuset Indre By"

Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle

LerbĂ€ckskolan ÖresundsvĂ€gen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? You choose if you want to social dance, train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics mats and tools for those who want to practice acrobatics at their own risk. You are also welcome to set up a … Continue reading "Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle"

11/12 – Sunday tea-dance CANCELLED!

Kirsebergs Fritids- & Kulturhus Kronetorpsgatan 1, Malmö, SE

CANCELLED! Sunday afternoon every other week (odd weeks), we will have a cosy afternoon together. Drinking tea (or coffee), eating cookies, and most important dance together. Swingin tunes will be heard, and a floor perfect for a swing-out or two. When: Every other Sunday at 16-18 (on odd weeks) Where: Kirsebergs kulturhus (door right next … Continue reading "11/12 – Sunday tea-dance CANCELLED!"

Balboa Circle Malmö practice

Ystadsgatan 53D, SE-214 44 Malmö, Sverige

Hej đŸ’„ Join our weekly Balboa practice at StudiefrĂ€mjandet! 💃đŸ•ș. 🗝 This trimester we practice for 1,5hrs in a room number 307 (upstairs). 🖍 If you have not attended our practice before, please send me a pm if you are coming since I will need register your details (❗you must attend at least 1 out … Continue reading "Balboa Circle Malmö practice"

Free! Monday Night Swing & Beginners Lindy Hop Class at SmÄlands 12/12

SmÄland Nation, Lund Lund, SE

As a holiday gift everyone gets in for free this and the last Monday Night Swing of 2022. You are very welcome regardless of age, membership and ability to dance! To get in for free, we do however require you to sign-up in advance at before all spots are taken. For those that are … Continue reading "Free! Monday Night Swing & Beginners Lindy Hop Class at SmĂ„lands 12/12"

Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 14/12

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 18:15 Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18:30-19:30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 14/12"

SwingShoes Blues Thursday Gala Night – Featuring BIG CREEK SLIM

Haveselskabetsvej 3A 1823 Frederiksberg Denmark Frederiksberg, DK

GALA-EVENT with BIG CREEK SLIM! We are excited to announce that SwingShoes 5th End-of-Round Blues Thursday, will feature no other but Big Creek Slim! We are very fortunate to welcome the blues musician Big Creek Slim to play some infamous blues tunes during the evening for our listening and dancing pleasure. IT IS A GALA … Continue reading "SwingShoes Blues Thursday Gala Night – Featuring BIG CREEK SLIM"

SWING HELSINGBORG DANCE NIGHT – NR:1 Danskurser PlanteringsvÀgen 5, Helsingborg, SE

ENG ⏬ Hör upp alla jazzĂ€lskare i Helsingborg med omnejd! I Ă„r har vi bestĂ€mt oss för att fira jul- och nyĂ„rsafton lite tidigt, sĂ„ skriv upp fredagen den 16 december i din kalender. đŸŒČ De mest svĂ€ngiga lĂ„tarna kommer att vara pĂ„ frĂ„n kl19:00 till 22:00. Ta pĂ„ dig Lindy-klĂ€derna, snöra pĂ„ dig skorna … Continue reading "SWING HELSINGBORG DANCE NIGHT – NR:1"