Swing Walk: Lomma – Alnarp 6km
Lomma busstation Centrumgatan, Lomma, SEVi får inte dansa men vi kan vandra istället! Söndag den 12 april arrangeras en vandring utmed havet från Lomma till Alnarp för alla HepTowns, Cats' Corners och andra swingdansare som vill möta sina vänner från kurser och socialdanser. För att minska smittspridning ser vi såklart till att hålla avstånd. Vi startar vid Lomma busstation … Continue reading "Swing Walk: Lomma – Alnarp 6km"
Hepcats Sunday Swing
Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DKHepcats Copenhagen proudly presents, "Hepcats' Sunday Swing" - the Copenhagen swing community's social dancing Sunday hang-out. The DJ will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet like there's no tomorrow. You don't need to bring a partner, all you need is the will to swing! Everyone is welcome! Come as … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing"
Livesändning med Roger’s Sisters och Roger Berg Swing Explosion
Shakespeare by Möller Falsterbovägen 83, Höllviken, SEKolla in filmen https://www.facebook.com/268440290159938/posts/1122704691400156/?vh=e&d=n Vi vill få er att för en stund glömma alla era bekymmer och drömma er in i 30-, 40- och 50-talets Hollywood, Storbandsmusik, Jazz & Swing! Vårt syfte med denna musiken är att vara så genuina vi kan enligt stilens alla regler med viss uppdatering! Vi vill sprida glädje och vi … Continue reading "Livesändning med Roger’s Sisters och Roger Berg Swing Explosion"
Monday Night Swing Online Social 13/4
Lund, Sweden Lund, SEClasses and socials are still put on hold, but this Monday you are welcome to join us on-line. We'll just play some music and hang out... Tonights DJ: Nils-Peter Ahlqvist There's even rumors that we might be joined by Jazzy Jerry, Sazzy Sally (LinaMaria) and Erik a.k.a. DJ Prohibition / Erik Ask-Upmark from Swing Street … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing Online Social 13/4"
Live streaming under trappen
Charlie Scotts Bar Skindergade 43, Copenhagen, DKFor many years of playing under the stairs we’ve built this regular Tuesday into a tradition. Only to have it stopped by covid19. Last week we played with Björn Ingelstam and it was a big success. So we will keep up the tradition and play on Tuesday with Ole Fessor Lindgreen for one hour from … Continue reading "Live streaming under trappen"
The Mama’s Stew [Live-Streamed Workshop]
The Mama’s Stew Tuesday April 14th from 19.00 to 20.30. In this workshop you can learn the fast-paced and energetic Solo Jazz Routine: The Mama’s Stew. The Stew was a vintage warm-up choreography used by the famous Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers to warm up before practicing their routines. This routine is often called the Mama’s Stew … Continue reading "The Mama’s Stew [Live-Streamed Workshop]"
Krisfonden för jazzmusiker
Svensk Jazz Hornsgatan 103, Stockholm, SEKrisfondens syfte är att samla in pengar från alla som vill ge bidrag till musiker som drabbas av avbokningar pga. Covid-19. Detta för att jazzmusiker ska få ersättning för minskade intäkter. Svensk Jazz har tillsammans med nedanstående bidragsgivare sett till att lägga en grund i fonden. Nu uppmanar vi alla - privatpersoner, institutioner, organisationer, klubbar … Continue reading "Krisfonden för jazzmusiker"
Cancelled – Wednesday Night Hop with Coffee and Cookies 15/4
Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Spegelsalen. Unfortunately Moriskans is not available but instead, the social dance will be held elsewere (t.b.a) together with coffee and cookies a.k.a. fika which is included in the door fee. The swingin social dance starts at 7.45 pm! Members who bring homemade cookies do not have … Continue reading "Cancelled – Wednesday Night Hop with Coffee and Cookies 15/4"
Chicago Live Broadcast – Hasse Ling & His Syncopators Of Swing
Chicago swing dance studio Hornsgatan 75, Stockholm, SECHICAGO swing dance studio LIVE BROADCAST presents HASSE LING AND HIS SYNCOPATORS OF SWING - #2 Platform: https://www.facebook.com/chicagoswing/ 20:00 (8 PM) April 15 (Wednesday) We are happy to provide another opportunity to enjoy swing music in your own homes. It's already a month since we started this project and we are trying our best to … Continue reading "Chicago Live Broadcast – Hasse Ling & His Syncopators Of Swing"
The Global Online Social
Apple Valley, California Apple Valley, CA, USTHIS WEEKS SCHEDULE https://www.pauldances.tv/stream-schedule/gosocial4 Each week we will start the social out with a guided practice with a featured dance teacher. While this practice is free, any twitch subscriptions, tips, or purchases made during the lesson (or right after) will be forwarded to the teacher. The social dance will be DJ'd remotely by some of … Continue reading "The Global Online Social"
Musicality in Lindy Hop [Live-Streamed Workshop]
Musicality in Lindy Hop Thursday April 16th from 19.00 to 20.30. This workshop is going to be a deep dive into understanding Musicality in Lindy Hop: How is Swing music structured? What does the structure mean for our dancing? What does the word Musicality mean? How do you do Musicality? All these questions will be … Continue reading "Musicality in Lindy Hop [Live-Streamed Workshop]"
Josefin Björk Werner & Friends Live on Facebook
Josefin Björk Werner Billinge, SEJag vill gärna ge en paus i denna oroliga tid och låta musiken sprida glädje. Hans -Inge Magnusson och jag med gäster jammar vid flygeln. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fd2EgqPzxs
Canceled/Moved online? Club HepCat: Nanna Carling Swing Band
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöClub HepCat April 18th is canceled due to Covid-19, but you can catch Nanna Carling with the Carling Family online where they do frequent shows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking into Club HepCat is like entering another world, a place you didn’t know still existed. You are back in the Juke joint of the 1940s and the crowd … Continue reading "Canceled/Moved online? Club HepCat: Nanna Carling Swing Band"
Hepcats Sunday Swing
Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DKHepcats Copenhagen proudly presents, "Hepcats' Sunday Swing" - the Copenhagen swing community's social dancing Sunday hang-out. The DJ will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet like there's no tomorrow. You don't need to bring a partner, all you need is the will to swing! Everyone is welcome! Come as … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing"
Swing Kids/Teens Course & Parents Social Dance II
Svaneskolan Möllegatan 6, Lund, SEMedans dina barn går Swing Kids/Teens-kursen kan du passa på att socialdansa en stund i lokalen bredvid. Det finns även plats om du vill ställa iordning en lekhörna för de mindre barnen som inte kan vara med på kursen. + Registrering är obligatorisk och bindande för alla kursdeltagare. + Registrering är också obligatorisk för socialdansen … Continue reading "Swing Kids/Teens Course & Parents Social Dance II"
Easy Footwork Variations [Live-Streamed Workshop]
Easy Footwork Variations Monday April 20th from 19.00 to 20.30. This workshop will introduce easy footwork variations which are especially well suited for people who are less experienced in this topic. Doing "footwork variations" basically just means that we spice the 6- or 8-count footwork we normally use in our moves up by introducing small … Continue reading "Easy Footwork Variations [Live-Streamed Workshop]"
Canceled/moved online? Monday Night Swing 20/4
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEEvery Monday you are welcome to swing-out out at the weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social dance: 20-22.30! + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Canceled/moved online? Monday Night Swing 20/4"
Norma Miller’s Trickeration – Jazz with Katharina [LiveStreamed]
Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DKNorma Miller’s Trickeration - Solo Jazz with Katharina Wednesday April 22nd from 19.00 to 20.30 (Copenhagen time) Katharina will teach you the amazing solo jazz routine “Trickeration” that she learned directly from the choreographer - the late Norma Miller, who was an incredible dancer, choreographer and life force, and who was part of Whitey’s Lindy … Continue reading "Norma Miller’s Trickeration – Jazz with Katharina [LiveStreamed]"
The Global Online Social
Apple Valley, California Apple Valley, CA, USTHIS WEEKS SCHEDULE https://www.pauldances.tv/stream-schedule/gosocial5 The social dance will be DJ'd remotely by some of the finest DJ's from around the world and we won't stop playing music until everyone's done dancing! I suggest staying home, moving the sofa over and solo dancing unless you're living with someone who can dance with ya! (And if you're … Continue reading "The Global Online Social"
The Jitterbug Stroll [Live-Streamed Workshop]
Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DKThe Jitterbug Stroll Thursday April 23rd from 19.00 to 20.30. In this workshop you can learn the classic and fun solo jazz routine: The Jitterbug Stroll The Jitterbug Stroll is a swing line dance choreographed in 1992 by Ryan Francois. Like the Shim Sham, it became a popular jazz choreography that people would perform regularly … Continue reading "The Jitterbug Stroll [Live-Streamed Workshop]"
Balboa at Globen 2020
Cafe Globen Turesensgade 2b, Copenhagen, DKFredags Balboa på Globen. Taster fra 19:30 og socialdans fra 20:30. Balboa er en swingdans fra 1920erne, som man danser to og to, hvor en leder og en anden følger. Man danser til swing musik, og fordi trinene er små, kan man danse hurtigt og på lidt plads. Man behøver ikke meget mere end en … Continue reading "Balboa at Globen 2020"
HFS Zoom Swing Dance Party vol. 3
Band tonight! Remember the beloved Jam sessions lead by Daniel Rodrigues at the Happy Feet parties? Tonight Daniel will be back with some friends for a Jam session directly from the studio for our Zoom Swing Dance party! We are looking forward to dancing to the Happy Feet Jammers and to partying with you tonight! … Continue reading "HFS Zoom Swing Dance Party vol. 3"
Releasekonsert för “Då är nu” 25/4!
Josefin Björk Werner Billinge, SE25 april streamar vi releasekonsert för albumet "Då är nu" - nyskriven svensk swing, komponerade av Erik Berndalen (trumpet) och undertecknad. På piano Hans-Inge Magnusson och trummor Marcus Rostedt. Albumet finns på Spotify. Hoppas att Du vill höra på vår musik nästa lördag! Stor kram Josefin
Hepcats Sunday Swing
Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DKHepcats Copenhagen proudly presents, "Hepcats' Sunday Swing" - the Copenhagen swing community's social dancing Sunday hang-out. The DJ will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet like there's no tomorrow. You don't need to bring a partner, all you need is the will to swing! Everyone is welcome! Come as … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing"
Swing Kids/Teens Course & Parents Social Dance II
Svaneskolan Möllegatan 6, Lund, SEMedans dina barn går Swing Kids/Teens-kursen kan du passa på att socialdansa en stund i lokalen bredvid. Det finns även plats om du vill ställa iordning en lekhörna för de mindre barnen som inte kan vara med på kursen. + Registrering är obligatorisk och bindande för alla kursdeltagare. + Registrering är också obligatorisk för socialdansen … Continue reading "Swing Kids/Teens Course & Parents Social Dance II"