Trainhop 25/8-2019
Studiefrämjandet Skåne-Blekinge, västra Ystadsgatan 53, Malmö, SETrain Hop is a weekly training event for swing dancers in Malmö. Bring a partner if you need one, or come prepared with things to work on by yourself. We all try to help one another, but you are responsible for your own practice. It is not a social dance or a class – but … Continue reading "Trainhop 25/8-2019"
Monday Night Swing 23/9 unholy swing
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEEvery Monday happy people swing-out out at our weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Tonight Tony will challenge you with some unholy swing... Please wait outside or in the foyer if you arrive before 19:45 so not to disturb the beginners continued course. Social swing dance Social dance: 20-22.30 BYO dinner from 19:45 Kårhuset, … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 23/9 unholy swing"
Swing Dance / Studenterhuset
Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, DK(English below) Tirsdags Swing Dance på Studenterhuset 💃 🕺 Trænger du til at få gang i kroppen med et smil på læben? Så kig forbi Studenterhuset hver tirsdag aften, hvor der er Swing Dance – det er GRATIS, og alle er velkomne! Der er plads til alle, uanset om du er erfaren swing-danser, eller hvis … Continue reading "Swing Dance / Studenterhuset"
Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Tap Dance 25/9
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners' Tap dance class at 8 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm. Beginners Tap dance class: 20.00-21.00* (Spegelsalen) Social dance: 19.45-23.00 Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members* Bistro … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Tap Dance 25/9"
The Barber at HepCat Store
HepCat Store Sankt Lars väg 21, Lund, SEWe got Adam from The Barber here at HepCat Store doing classic men's haircuts, beard trimming and clean shaves. Friday the 27th: 10-18 Saturday the 28th: 10-14 After that we continue November 8-9th and then every 5th week Book your appointment at 046-211 14 82 HepCat store, Sankt Lars väg 21, Lund Map: … Continue reading "The Barber at HepCat Store"
Swingdance For Future
Stadshuset, Malmö August Palms plats 1, Malmö, SEDo you sometimes feel that we´re dancing on the edge of time? Let´s help rise awareness of the ongoing Climate Crisis while doing what we love the most - dancing. Come join us in a 15 min social dancing "flashmob" to show our support for Fridays For Future on the Global Climate Strike Friday 24/5 … Continue reading "Swingdance For Future"
Shaggin´in the Rain 2019 – Collegiate Shag Festival
Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DKSAVE THE DATE !!! Another edition of our fun and shagtastic cozy eventin Copenhagen is in the making! Join us for a weekend full of Collegiate Shag, classes on various leves with 3 international teacher couples, two parties with live music, fun competitions, danish coziness in a lovely dance studio, sauna time, teadance and so … Continue reading "Shaggin´in the Rain 2019 – Collegiate Shag Festival"
Balboa at Globen
Cafe Globen Turesensgade 2b, Copenhagen, DKFredags Balboa på Globen. Taster fra 19:30 og socialdans fra 20:30. Balboa er en swingdans fra 1920erne, som man danser to og to, hvor en leder og en anden følger. Man danser til swing musik, og fordi trinene er små, kan man danse hurtigt og på lidt plads. Man behøver ikke meget mere end en … Continue reading "Balboa at Globen"
The Barber at HepCat Store
HepCat Store Sankt Lars väg 21, Lund, SEWe got Adam from The Barber here at HepCat Store doing classic men's haircuts, beard trimming and clean shaves. Friday the 27th: 10-18 Saturday the 28th: 10-14 After that we continue November 8-9th and then every 5th week Book your appointment at 046-211 14 82 HepCat store, Sankt Lars väg 21, Lund Map: … Continue reading "The Barber at HepCat Store"
Swing ’n’ Boggie Cats’ & Goose
It’s time for another great sunday Boogie! Theme ”cross line” 🍂🎶🍂 Come dance and learn boogie woogie with Cats' Corner and Lunds Dansklubb Gåsasteget! The evening will be so much fun and there will be something for all levels! What is boogie woogie? Inspired by rock 'n' roll music from the 50s, boogie is a … Continue reading "Swing ’n’ Boggie Cats’ & Goose"
Trainhop 25/8-2019
Studiefrämjandet Skåne-Blekinge, västra Ystadsgatan 53, Malmö, SETrain Hop is a weekly training event for swing dancers in Malmö. Bring a partner if you need one, or come prepared with things to work on by yourself. We all try to help one another, but you are responsible for your own practice. It is not a social dance or a class – but … Continue reading "Trainhop 25/8-2019"
Monday Night Swing 30/9 DJ Oscar
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEEvery Monday happy people swing-out out at our weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? Social swing dance Social dance: 20-22.30 BYO dinner from 19:45 Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater) … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 30/9 DJ Oscar"
Swing Dance / Studenterhuset
Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, DK(English below) Tirsdags Swing Dance på Studenterhuset 💃 🕺 Trænger du til at få gang i kroppen med et smil på læben? Så kig forbi Studenterhuset hver tirsdag aften, hvor der er Swing Dance – det er GRATIS, og alle er velkomne! Der er plads til alle, uanset om du er erfaren swing-danser, eller hvis … Continue reading "Swing Dance / Studenterhuset"
Wednesday Night Hop & Shag Night 2/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Shag dance class by Fast Feet Society at 8 pm which continues with a Shag social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners Shag dance class : 20:00-21.00 … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Shag Night 2/10"
Fast Swing Evening + Learn the Shim SHAG!
Garaget Lönngatan 30, Malmö, SEFast Swing evening är tillbaka! I höst kommer vi tyvärr bara ha en FSE i månaden på grund av ökad efterfrågan på garagets lokaler. datum för Hösten 2019: 3 Oktober 3 november Torsdag 14 November Torsdag 12 December Ikväll har vi något alldeles extra! En nyskapad rutin som heter Shim Shag, Skapad av Gosia Aniolkowska … Continue reading "Fast Swing Evening + Learn the Shim SHAG!"
Hepcats Late Night Swing
Hepcats Copenhagen Valdemarsgade 12, Copenhagen, DKJoin us for a swingin' evening on Thursdays 21.45-23 @ Værkstedet, Idrætsfabrikken. All swing dancers are welcome 🤗
Swing After Work at Tröls 4/10
Tröls Karlskronaplan 1, Malmö, SEDates for swing after work this autumn: 6/9, 4/10, 1/11, 6/12. Been a long week at work? Hungry? Do you just want to hang out in a cozy environment with the possibility to dance, without all the stress & commotion of ordinary bars? Join Tröls and Fast Feet Society for Swing Afterwork! We will offer … Continue reading "Swing After Work at Tröls 4/10"
HFS Party – Leonardo Pedersen Quartet
Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DKFriday Party in the home of happy feet! A great evening of dancing and hanging out in our cozy studio. The Leonardo Pedersen Quartet will play two sets at the party. Time: 19.00-01.00 Location: Ørnevej 33, 2400 Kbh NV (5min walk from Nørrebro station). Evening's attractions: - Introduction class to Lindy Hop for beginners 19.00-19.50 … Continue reading "HFS Party – Leonardo Pedersen Quartet"
Hepcats Sunday Swing w. Intro to Lindy Hop
Kulturhuset Indre By Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, Copenhagen, DKWelcome back to this first Hepcats Sunday Swing of the 2019 fall season. As it is the first Sunday of the month, we will start with a one-hour introduction to Lindy Hop. As usual it will be followed by three hours of amazing swing DJ music and social dancing. So bring your friends, lovers, family, … Continue reading "Hepcats Sunday Swing w. Intro to Lindy Hop"
Trainhop 25/8-2019
Studiefrämjandet Skåne-Blekinge, västra Ystadsgatan 53, Malmö, SETrain Hop is a weekly training event for swing dancers in Malmö. Bring a partner if you need one, or come prepared with things to work on by yourself. We all try to help one another, but you are responsible for your own practice. It is not a social dance or a class – but … Continue reading "Trainhop 25/8-2019"
Monday Night Swing 7/10 DJ ACe
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEEvery Monday happy people swing-out out at our weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? Please wait outside or in the foyer if you arrive before 19:45 so not to disturb the beginners continued course. Social … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 7/10 DJ ACe"
Swing Dance / Studenterhuset
Studenterhuset Købmagergade 52, Copenhagen, DK(English below) Tirsdags Swing Dance på Studenterhuset 💃 🕺 Trænger du til at få gang i kroppen med et smil på læben? Så kig forbi Studenterhuset hver tirsdag aften, hvor der er Swing Dance – det er GRATIS, og alle er velkomne! Der er plads til alle, uanset om du er erfaren swing-danser, eller hvis … Continue reading "Swing Dance / Studenterhuset"
Wednesday Night Hop 9/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Social dance: 19.45-23.00 Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00 (Members of Cats' Corner has a 10% discount in the Bistro bar.) Kitchen closes: 22.00 ( Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop 9/10"
Hepcats Late Night Swing
Hepcats Copenhagen Valdemarsgade 12, Copenhagen, DKJoin us for a swingin' evening on Thursdays 21.45-23 @ Værkstedet, Idrætsfabrikken. All swing dancers are welcome 🤗
Hepcats and Huset presents Lindy Hop at “Kulturnatten”
Social dancing at Huset during the "Kulturnatten". We can be found in Xenon on the 5th floor, (4. sal på dansk) Hepcats and Huset are cooperating at the “Cultural Night” on the 11th of October. Our main focus will be to give short Learn The Moves sessions to the curious people dropping by, but from … Continue reading "Hepcats and Huset presents Lindy Hop at “Kulturnatten”"