- This event has passed.
Cancelled – SwingShoes Swing Ball
September 19, 2020 @ 19:00 - September 20, 2020 @ 01:00

Som følge af myndighedernes seneste udmelding om sænkning af forsamlingsforbuddet til maksimalt 50 personer bliver vi desværre nød til at aflyse vores Swing Ball hvilket vi naturligvis er meget kede af. Alle biletter bliver refunderet i løbet af de kommende dage.
As a result of the authorities’ latest announcement to lower the assembly ban to a maximum of 50 people, we will unfortunately have to cancel our Swing Ball. All tickets will be refunded within the coming days.
We will be at a new awesome place (Serapiones-Ordenen) on Frederiksberg as mentioned previously (see map).
This is what we got for you:
2 bands:
Flying Jazz Men and the almost Little Big Band feat. Deborah Herbert
Betty and her Small Group feat. Elisabeth Børch.
Original Vintage Dj ( Per Rock and his equipment from 1956)
Tasters: 7:30 to 8:15 pm
Lindy Hoppers with at least 6 months of dancing (Mathilde Dam and Per Rock) 1 floor
Box Step for every one (Mette and Birk) Ground level
2 halls with wooden dance floor
Lounge area for 20 people
Cozy separate bar area
Chandeliers throughout the house
Surprises during the evening
Please do your best to dress to impress (Please: No jeans / t-shirts)
To ensure balance, 80% of the tickets are sold as partner tickets (follow/lead). Regarding Covid-19, the participants are expected to limit physical contact with other dancers, meaning primarily dancing with their partner alternative in smaller groups if you have established a dance-bubble.
This party will not be possible without volunteers, and we are still in need for some people to either be at the door or in the bar.
The shifts are only 30 mins each. Please write to either Per or Kira
Tickets are: Dkr 230,- and are available by following this link: