Registration is open!

At noon today, the 24th of September we finally open the registration for the fall semester.

At noon today, the 24th of September we finally open the registration for the fall semester. Read more about that here.

Tonight at 18.00 we kick off The Authentic Jazz Solo Swing Dance Project in Malmö. This is already an ongoing thing in Lund every Monday. Both with theme classes of 1-3 occations On the Monday Night Swing, we also have a Swing Practice where you can dance to DJ music in the Grand Hotel ballroom.

 Läs om Måndagsswingen på svenska här

Back in swing!

I måndags hade nya Måndagsswingen premiär på Grand Hotell och imorgon 14/9 fortsätter vi med dubbla nybörjar prova-på i Lindy Hop kl 18 & 19 samt både nybörjar och mer avancerad Solo Charleston kl 20 & 21. Följande måndagar blir det Swing Practice kl 20 samt olika solodanskurser kl 21. Drop in är möjlig genom att visa sitt medlemskort. Men säkrast att anmäla sig då solokurserna blev fulla senaste måndagen.
Vi har ännu fler solodanskurser i Malmö på torsdagar. .


Med början Måndagen den 21 drar vad som skulle kunna kallas socialdans igång där max 36 föranmälda dansare får swinga loss i den fantastiska balsalen på grand hotell. Anmäl dig till vår Swing Practice tilsammans med en danspartner som sen är den du dansar med eller själv som förare, följare, solo eller switch. Vi antar så att det blir helt jämnt.


Först tar vi igen den pausade vårterminen enligt följande. Sen fortsätter vi med en kortare hösttermin där tanken är att alla ska stanna kvar i samma grupp och kursen fortsätter i stort sett där den andra slutade. Gick du D på onsdagar ska du helst anmäla dig till D+ samma dag och tid. Om du inte gick kurser i våras och t.ex. gick D förra hösten är kanske C+ nu en lämplig nivå. Några av dessa kursen är redan öppna, några öppnar på tisdag och resten den 24 september. Vi kommer att lotta köplatser. Anmälningarna är som vanligt bindande och du kan denna termin inte få någon återbetalning. Du kan dock få hela avgiften tillgodo och enkelt avboka med en ny knapp i antagningsmailen.


Time to get swingin’!

Tonight our friends at Cats’ Corner kick off their Wednesday Night Hop and Monday Night Swing is pack on Monday. Both include a beginners’ Lindy to send all your friends to or join yourself to get started.

Tonight our friends at Cats’ Corner kick off their Wednesday Night Hop and the Monday Night Swing is back on Monday. Both include a beginners’ Lindy Hop taster class to send all your friends to or join yourself to get started.

On sunday it’s finally time for a small Swing Kids/Teens course & a parents sosial dance and Lindy Acrobatics.

There is still room in many of the Lindy Hop courses this spring as we are doubling up om beginners Lindy Hop weekends, beginners continued and even some of the higher levels as C & D now available on Tuesday too.

See all of HepTowns Lindy Hop courses in the schedule

Se most of the Öresund swing and blues dance events in the HepTown Calendar

The quickest and mos reliable way to find out if there is still room for you ist to sign-up.

Hope to see you on the dance floors!

Registration opens at noon December 12th

Registration for beginners weekends, Swing Kids and Sunday courses are already open. The rest opens at noon on the 12th of December.

Registration for beginners weekends, Swing Kids and Sunday courses are already open. The rest opens at noon on the 12th of December.

Please note that everyone that signs-up the first four days has the same chance to get a spot as we will raffle the queue.

IMPORTANT! If you sign up for several courses but only want to take one of them you have to make a note of that in the comment field of your registrations. You are not allowed to hold on to one spot while waiting in line to get another.

Find all Lindy Hop courses here

The last Monday Night Swing 2019 is December 16 and the first Monday Night Swing 2020 is January 13. Both start with a Lindy Hop taster class for beginners.

Din swingdanskurs gör dig berättigad till friskvårdsbidrag

Ditt företag är berättigat att ge dig en skattefri personalvårdsförmån som ofta kallas friskvårdsbidrag. Ett bidrag för kostnaden att delta i fysiska aktiviteter som t.ex. dans och däribland såklart swingdanser som Lindy Hop, Balboa och Jazzdans. En möjlighet som de allra flesta företag tar till vara.

Kvitto på swingdanskurs

Se nu bara till att skriva ut ett kvitto och lämna inn på jobbet. Kvittot får du automatiskt på mail när vi registrerat din betalning och kan även hämtas här

Klart att Lindy Hop räknas som friskvård!

Har tidigare hänt att företag påstår att dans inte räknas men numera står motionsdans t.o.m. specifikt med i skatteverkets definition.

Hur mycket får man maximalt i friskvårdsbidrag?

Det finns från skattemyndigheten ingen övre gräns så länge samma villkor gäller för alla anställda. Det är med andra ord din arbetsplats som bestämmer hur mycket pengar du kan få tillbaka.

Lindy Hop registration Fall 2019

We just opened the registration for A beginners weekends and B beginners’ continued. At noon on THURSDAY THE 13TH OF JUNE we open the registration for the rest of them

We just opened the registration for A beginners weekends and B beginners’ continued. At noon on THURSDAY THE 13TH OF JUNE we open the registration for the rest of them. Everyone that signs-up the first 48h will have the same chance to get a spot as we will raffle the queue at noon on Saturday.

Most courses can already be found in the schedule but lots of details will be updated during next week.

Lindy Hop schedule

Beginners Lindy Hop


We have managed to squeeze in C an D on Mondays near Kårhuset and will also extend the social dance as the last class ends 21.15. There will be an Extra B level where every one learns to both lead and follow (ELEF).. A full semester 10x E and 5x F starting after E has finished so that you can take both. Fast Lindy + Arial + California Routine. In addition we are planning to add at least one beginners continued weekend workshop and some kick ass jazz theme classes in August…


Open registration = Everyone that signs-up for C-F the first 48 hours will have the same chance to get a spot on a course as we will raffle the queue (lotta ordningen på köplatserna). After that it’s the usual direct registration with fist come first served with usually followers in queue being accepted as soon as the usually later leaders sign-up.

Spring finale and summer swing

Spring season is coming to and end with our last Monday Night Swing in Lund on the 10th of June and Cats’ Corners’ last Wednesday Night Hop on the 12th of June.

After that there is no big break as the first of three Swing n’ Blues Summer Sessions outside Moriska Paviljongen kicks-off on the 14th of June. In Lund Swing in the Park premieres the 19th of June and “dans på stranden” has a joint inauguration for all dances the 23rd of June, continuing swingin on the beach in Malmö every Sunday all summer…

There is also lots of other summer swing dance events all around Öresund. Most of them are imported daily from 10 different organizers and conveniently gathered in our calendar.

Swing in the park ends on the 7th of August and Monday Night Swing is back on the 12th of August. We are guessing that Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Jump will jump start around the 14th of August.

Swing n´Blues Summer Sessions

During three summer nights at Mikkeller Pop Up in Moriskans Trädgård Moriskan, HepTown and Cats’ Corner gives you some sweet swing and blues

Mikkeller Pop Up is open: 15-03
Swing and blues music: 19-00
Live on stage about 20.30 and 22.30ish

First out the 14th of June we got the amazing blues artist Christoffer Johansson from Gothenburg…

There is lots of room to just hang out, eat, drink and listen but also a small dance floor if you want to get up and dance.

DJs will be playing swing and blues 19-00 whenever Christoffer Johansson is not playing his two blues sets starting about 20.00 and 22.00.

14/6 Christoffer Johansson
12/7 Swing Street Orchestra
9/8 Nanna Carling Swing Band

☞ Mikkeller Pop Up Moriskans Trädgård☜
– Open between 15:00-03:00
– Age limit: 18 years or with guardian
– Wheelchair friendly
– NOTE! We only take card! No cash! ·

At noon today we open the registration for Fall courses!

Most spring courses have already started but there are still som theme classes, a beginners weekend and a summer course to sign-up for this spring.  In the middle of this we open the registration for fall courses…

Lindy Hop registration for the fall will open as follows

  • Registration for A Beginners Lindy Hop weekends is open!
  • B will open at noon on the 20th of April
  • Registration for C-F and theme classes will open at noon on Thursday the  14th of June.

Registrants for the highest 2 (E and F) that want to take a higher level than they have done before will need to do a small audition (no big scary pear audition)  on Wednesday the 5th of September at Moriskan in Malmö, 18.15-19.45. If you sign-up for the same level you will not need to do the audition.

The Helsingborg crew is planning some a beginners weekend and some other classes that will be announced by the end of May

Half of the semester on E-F in Malmö and D i Lund will be replaced by theme classes of various length. Most theme classes are now on-line. A few more and descriptions of them all to be announced soon…