
Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop 15/2

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop’ at Moriska Paviljongen.

. Social dance: 19.30 – 23.00
. Bistro bar is open: 18.00-02.00
. Kitchen closes: 22.00 **
. Ballroom door fee: 60kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members
. DJ: t.b.a.

** NOTE! The bistro bar is open and the kitchen with a full menu will be back in the beginning of March.


The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out


Cats’ Corner is the non-profit dance organisation bringing you this awsome social dance every Wednesday. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.


HepTown is the organization behind the swing classes right before the social dance. It’s a separate organization with a separate Club HepCat membership. Unnecessarily complicated some might say. Two parts making an awsome dance scene we say.


Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Monday Night Swing 20/2

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dancefloor. Where would you like to be?

Open: 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members *
DJ: Malin Marie Josefine Svensson

The all night steal-dance-jam was so much fun that we’re making the corner near the tentrance the permanent steal-jam-corner.

The Monday Night Swing social dance is open for everyone to just drop in but for the beginners-continued course right before you need to sign-up in advance for the whole semester.

27/2 Red Hot Club: Lady Swing Orchestra
24/4 Red Hot Club: Lady Swing Orchestra II

Monday Night Swing 13/2

The all night steal-dance-jam was so much fun that we’re making the corner near the till the permanent steal-jam-corner.

Tonight we give a special welcome to all the new dancers from the beginners’ weekends and those taking the beginners-continued in gasquesalen right before this social dance.
Registration and more info

There will be happy people swinging out. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dancefloor. Where would you like to be?

Open: 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members *
DJ: Anton Cervin aka ACe

The all night steal-dance-jam was so much fun that we’re making the corner near the till the permanent steal-jam-corner.

The Monday Night Swing social dance is open for everyone to just drop in but the beginners-continued course you need to sign-up in advance for the whole semester.

Cats’ Corner 8/2 Moved!

Welcome to Cats’ Corners Wednsday Night Jump that this week has moved to Kulturhus-Café Tryckeriet

Welcome to Cats’ Corners Wednsday Night Jump that this week has moved to Kulturhus-Café Tryckeriet

. Social dance: 19.30 – 23.00
The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out

Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.

** Detta Facebook event skapades av HepTown för att sprida information om det men det är ett helt fristående Cats’ Corner event **

Minor Swing 2017

West Coast Jitterbugs proudly presents Minor Swing 2017, Gothenburg’s annual Balboa Workshop.

West Coast Jitterbugs proudly presents Minor Swing 2017, Gothenburg’s annual Balboa Workshop.

The 2017 edition will continue the concept of a themed workshop, and this year’s theme will be “For the Love of Social Dancing”!

Balboa teachers

We have carefully selected instructors from around the globe who in different ways are especially focused on social dancing, or have a unique and interesting way of approaching it. We hope you will be as thrilled about this theme as we the organizers and the instructors themselves already are.

Lauren Smith & Peter Flahiff
Shani Brown & Nick Williams
Sanna Leinonen & Adam LaMontagne

Live music

We are also extremely happy to invite Andreas Hofschneider Quintett back this year for the Saturday night party. They were a huge success when they played in Gothenburg for the first time last year!

On Sunday night the lovely Swing Tarturo will play for us.


Registration will open 1st of February at 6pm. Four levels of Full-workshop-passes as well as Party-passes will be available.

More information

You will find more detailed information at, where more and more information will be added continuously.


Authentic Jazz Weekend 2017

Välkomna till andra upplagan av WCJ:s Authentic Jazz Weekend (AJW)

Välkomna till andra upplagan av WCJ:s Authentic Jazz Weekend (AJW)!

Helgen kommer att erbjuda tasters med Felix Berghäll på fredagskvällen, fest på lördagskvällen med livebandet Gentlemen & Gangsters, och som avslut en mysig tedans på söndagen.

Kurserna kommer att vara indelade i fyra olika nivåer – alla är välkomna oavsett erfarenhet! Samtliga nivåer kommer att ha totalt sex timmars kurs under lördagen och söndagen (varav minst en timme med Felix Berghäll).

OBS! Du som inte är från Göteborg/WCJ är givetvis välkommen, men då detta främst är en föreningsaktivitet som riktar sig till medlemmar kommer det automatiskt krävas ett medlemskap på 250 kr för att ta del av helgen.

Anmälan öppnar söndagen den 18/12 kl 12.00 och då är det först till kvarn som gäller!

Mer information om helgens upplägg, kurserna och priser finns på vår hemsida:

Varmt välkomna!

The Swing Challenge 2017

Welcome to the 4th edition of The Swing Challenge

Welcome to the 4th edition of The Swing Challenge!
— September 8-10, 2017 —

Look forward to a friendly & fun weekend in Copenhagen with international dance instructors, live music, competitions, shows and great DJs.
Hornsgatan Ramblers (SWE)
Home Jazz Band (LIT)

Ali & Katja • Cam & Cat
More to come

Fredrik Dahlberg • Felix Berghäll
Cat Foley • Mindaugas Bikauskas
Registration opening: To be announced
Prices: To be announced
See more information on our website:
For general questions or interested in volunteering, please contact:

Sweet Lorraine’s JAZZ CLUB

Den 25:e januari förvandlas Söder Om Småland återigen till Sweet Lorraine’s, med husbandet SWEET LORRAINE JAZZ BAND. Bord kommer att flyttas undan för att göra plats till dans!

Det bjuds på en hot och tårdrypande blandning av 20-tals jazz.

SWEET LORRAINE JAZZ BAND består av: Paul Bocciolone Strandberg: Altsax och sång / Marcus Nilsson: Klarinett / John Andric: Sologitarr / Dennis Johnsson: Kompgitarr / Mats Rehle: Kontrabas

Prohibition Night med Jake Sanders & Jared Engel [USA]

Jag mötte amerikanerna Jake Sanders [Chicago] och Jared Engel [NYC] under New Yorks renässans av 20- och 30-talsjazz, där de delade scen på stadens många klubbar där publiken brann för historisk jazz. Sanders och Engel spelade gamla sånger med en intensiv närvaro, många som enbart spridits på gamla stenkakor och bandinspelningar och aldrig noterats. Jag blev hänförd av musikernas ömma och detaljerade tolkningar av sångerna som förde mig tillbaka till en tid jag alltid velat besöka.

Det är med glädje som jag äntligen får återse och gästa lite med dessa musiker som numera har sin egen nya duo. De specialiserar sig på sällan framförda versioner av gitarrnummer från jazzens födelse, inspirerade av gitarristerna Nick Lucas och Eddie Lang. Den här spelningen kan börja med en romantisk italiensk vals, sedan följas av en jug-band-blues, och därefter en klassiker av Louis Armstrong and His Hot Fives. De tar en paus från turnén med skivaktuella Naomi & Her Handsome Devils, för att besöka Malmö för första gången.

Välkomna till en dimmig klubb på kajen i förbudstidens New York, en smältdegel där människor möts och får en paus från dagens slit.

/ Mimi Terris

Picknickföreställning. Tag med vad du önskar äta och dricka. Både mat och alkoholhaltig dryck är tillåten att ta med. Endast kaffe säljs ombord.


Medan trattgrammofonen vevas kåserar musikdirektör Erik Ask-Upmark om gamla tiders musikanter, tidsanda och den tidiga musikbranschens vedermödor.

Varmt välkomna till Trattgrammofonsalong i Kulturens gemytliga Borgarsal! Medan trattgrammofonen vevas kåserar musikdirektör Erik Ask-Upmark om gamla tiders musikanter, tidsanda och den tidiga musikbranschens vedermödor. Ni kan bland mycket annat få reda på att jazzmusiken uppfanns exakt kl 01.30 på natten till den 17 november 1887, varför den världsberömda bandledaren Paul Whiteman hatade doften av nyklippt gräs, och inte minst hur en liten skalbagge från norra Malaysia kom att förändra hela musikhistorien. Ta dig en svängom till tonerna av en eldig tango på dansgolvet – eller nöj dig med att lyssna och spisa knastrande stenkakor i all dess nostalgifyllda charm! Och förresten: Har du gamla stenkakor hemma på vinden men ingen apparat att spela dem på? Ta med dem till Trattgrammofonsalongen och låt dem få nytt liv igen!
Biljettpris: Entréavgift till Kulturen.

Sunday Swing by Hepcats Copenhagen

the Copenhagen swing community’s social dancing Sunday hang-out.

Hepcats Copenhagen proudly present “Sunday Swing” – the Copenhagen swing community’s social dancing Sunday hang-out.

The DJs will be in their place and the dancers will be moving their feet like there’s no tomorrow. You don’t need to bring a partner, all you need is the will to swing! Everyone is welcome!

Så join in and swing out 🙂

– Time: 15.00-18.00
-Place: Kulturhuset Indre By, Charlotte Ammundsens Plads 3, 1159 Cph. K
Free entrance- Courtesy of Hepcats Copenhagen .

The next begginner’s one day workshops are coming up on soon, January 7th and 8th that is! For more info check

The next Free Intro to Swing Dance is on Sunday, February 5th.

Please remember that all outdoor footwear must be changed to dry dance shoes before coming into the the theatre hall where we dance. It is not permitted to change footwear or clothes in the cafe – this is a business with clients – so please use the changing rooms or toilets. The staff at Indre By are in their full right to ask you to move to the changing rooms. Please respect the rules and respect the floors so that we can keep them perfect for dancing longer

Cats’ Corner 25/1

The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm and continues with a a swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.30 pm.

NOTE! It’s only the first three evenings (11th, 18th add 25th of January) that kicks of with a beginners class. I on other words.. This is your last chance for a while.

. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 18.30-19.30 *
. Social dance: 19.30 – 23.00
. Bistro bar is open: 17.00-02.00
. Kitchen closes: 22.00 (
. Ballroom door fee: 60kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members

* This class in included in the door fee. No preregistration or partner needed to take part.

The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out

Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.

As the dance closes for the night we “wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.

This is also the new home for some of HepTowns weekly classes starting the 15th of February. Registration opens in December.

There wil be beginners weekends on the first and second weekend of February in Malmö and Lund.

Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Cats’ Corner 18/1

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen.

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm and continues with a a swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.30 pm…

. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 18.30-19.30 *
. Social dance: 19.30 – 23.00
. Bistro bar is open: 17.00-02.00
. Kitchen closes: 22.00 (
. Ballroom door fee: 60kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members

* This class in included in the door fee. No preregistration or partner needed to take part.

The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out

Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.

As the dance closes for the night we “wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.

This is also the new home for some of HepTowns weekly classes starting the 15th of February. Registration opens in December.

There wil be beginners weekends on the first and second weekend of February in Malmö and Lund.

Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Red Hot Club: Lady Swing Orchestra II

The evenings always take off with a brief crash course in Swing dancing so you can enjoy the music on as well as off the dance floor.

The season finale and Last chance to see this seasons fabulous house band Lady Swing Orchestra

Red Hot Club

Takes you on a journey to a bygone era, a nightclub in 20-30’s Harlem where people meet to dance, listen, have a drink and eat or just hang out to enjoy the unique atmosphere.

Dress code

There is no dress-code but fell free to suit up och steal a hat from grand pa.

Swing music by

  • On Stage: Lady Swing Orchestra
  • Swing DJ: Susanne Kennros

For swing dance beginners

The evenings always take off with a brief crash course in Swing dancing so you can enjoy the music on as well as off the dance floor.

Prices and hours

. Open: 18 – 23
. Buffet 18 – 20
. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 19 – 20
. Door fee: 100kr, students HepCat- and lektrummembers 70kr
. Live: ca 20.30
. Mejeriet, Stora Södergatan 64 i Lund

Lady swing orchestra

Lady swing orchestra is a seven piece band from Malmö, Sweden. 2014 was the year when the band took it’s first steps into the delightful world of trad jazz. The band members are both educated and experienced in performing different music styles, but they all unite in the joy of playing music for both swing dancers and sitting audiences.

Charlotta Andersson – Guitar
Emma Lönnestål – Drums
Isa Savbrant – Double bass
Maria Bah Schilling – Vocals
Sille Ellehammer- Sax & clarinet
Tove Darelid – Trumpet
Ylva Almcrantz – Piano

Red Hot Buffet

For only 100kr extra you get our popular buffet is served 18-20

Red Hot Club: Lady Swing Orchestra

Red Hot Club takes you on a journey to a bygone era, a nightclub in 20-30’s Harlem where people meet to dance, listen, have a drink and eat or just hang out to enjoy the unique atmosphere.

We have great pleasure to present this spring’s house band, Lady Swing Orchestra that plays on both all (both) Red Hot Clubs this spring

Red Hot Club

Takes you on a journey to a bygone era, a nightclub in 20-30’s Harlem where people meet to dance, listen, have a drink and eat or just hang out to enjoy the unique atmosphere.

Dress code

There is no dress-code but fell free to suit up och steal a hat from grand pa.

Swing music by

  • On Stage: Lady Swing Orchestra
  • Swing DJ: Susanne Kennros

For swing dance beginners

The evenings always take off with a brief crash course in Swing dancing so you can enjoy the music on as well as off the dance floor.

Prices and hours

. Open: 18 – 23
. Buffet 18 – 20
. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 19 – 20
. Door fee: 100kr, students HepCat- and lektrummembers 70kr
. Live: ca 20.30
. Mejeriet, Stora Södergatan 64 i Lund

Lady swing orchestra

Lady swing orchestra is a seven piece band from Malmö, Sweden. 2014 was the year when the band took it’s first steps into the delightful world of trad jazz. The band members are both educated and experienced in performing different music styles, but they all unite in the joy of playing music for both swing dancers and sitting audiences.

Charlotta Andersson – Guitar
Emma Lönnestål – Drums
Isa Savbrant – Double bass
Maria Bah Schilling – Vocals
Sille Ellehammer- Sax & clarinet
Tove Darelid – Trumpet
Ylva Almcrantz – Piano

Red Hot Buffet

For only 100kr extra you get our popular buffet is served 18-20

Get a head start when we open the registration

The 22nd of December at 8 pm we open the registration for the beginners’ Lindy Hop weekends. January 4th at 8 pm we open all higher Lindy Hop levels. Get a head start and register faster by creating a user account on today. This is where all HepTowns course registrations will be handled

Login with Facebook or Google+

If you log in at with Facebook or Google+ a user account will be created with the ability to log on through these

Make a test registration

you can also create a user account by making a test registration. This also helps us test the system.

Upload a portrait

And ad your user information

Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Helsingborg!

Our introductory course is for those who have no knowledge of Lindy Hop, or took a couple of courses a long time ago and need to brush up the basics again.

Do you like to dance or would you like to know how? Does “gangster swing” and “updated retro coolness” sound interesting? Then HepTown’s beginners Lindy Hop weekend workshop in Helsingborg is the thing for you!

Our introductory course is for those who have no knowledge of Lindy Hop, or took a couple of courses a long time ago and need to brush up the basics again.

You will learn different basic steps, the most common figures and basic leading/following techniques. The aim of the introductory course is to enable you to dance with the rest of us during social dance nights.

The workshop is a two-day introduction to this cool thing called Swing. We promise a workout worth a fitness centre combined with more fun than you’ve had for weeks. But be warned – it’s addictive…

  • When: Saturday & Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00
  • Requirements: NONE (bring flat indoor shoes and some lunch – that’s all)
  • Price: SEK 620-850 (see below for details)
  • A discount of SEK 200 is offered those who register and pay at least 3 weeks in advance .
  • Youth, 24 years and below and students receive an additional discount of SEK 80 if they register and pay in advance.
  • Youth discount is applied automatically for 24 years and below. To get Student discount for 25 years and above use booking code STUDENT. Discounts are not shown until you get your payment information.


Please note that ALL your registrations are binding! Cancellations must be made well in advance. Non-cancelled registrations will be charged full price

Only register for the classes that you actually really want to take and not your 2:nd and 3:rd options. You are still welcome to put a comment about your options in the comment box when you register

Beginners’ Lindy Hop registrations

Monday Night Swing V + Theme Class

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dancefloor. Where would you like to be?

Open: 19-22
Theme Class: 19-20, 100kr inc the social dance
Social dance 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Social dance entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members

A fun swingin theme class will be announced soon
No registration, Just drop in before 7 pm

Monday Night Swing IV + Theme Class

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dancefloor. Where would you like to be?

Open: 19-22
Theme Class: 19-20, 100kr inc the social dance
Social dance 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Social dance entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members

A fun swingin theme class will be announced soon
No registration, Just drop in before 7 pm

Monday Night Swing III + Theme Class

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dancefloor. Where would you like to be?

Open: 19-22
Theme Class: 19-20, 100kr inc the social dance
Social dance 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Social dance entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members

A fun swingin theme class will be announced soon
No registration, Just drop in before 7 pm
Om HepTown

Flyin’ Lindy show routine

A fast Lindy Hop show rutine with some arials for intermediet and abowe

Registration and more classes

Duration: 4 SUNDAYS (12 hours of teaching).
HepCat-members’ price for this course is SEK 880 and membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.
A discount of SEK 200 is offered those who register and pay at least 3 weeks in advance .
Youth, 24 years and below and students receive an additional discount of SEK 80 if they register and pay in advance. Youth discount is applied automatically for 24 years and below. To get Student discount for 25 years and above use booking code STUDENT. Discounts are not shown until you get your payment information.
Please note that ALL registrations are binding!
You can however withdraw your registrations and get some of your money back (or be charged less if you have not yet paid). More than 3 weeks before you get 80% back. 2 – 3 weeks before you get 50% back. Less than 2 weeks before there is no refund.
You need to withdraw your registration even if it’s still on the waiting list.
This means that you can only register for the classes that you actually really want to take and not your 2:nd and 3:rd options. You are still welcome to put your options in the comment box when you register
We hope this stricter policy will speed up the waiting-lists and benefit those that really want to participate

Monday Night Swing II + Beginners’ Class

Tonight’s the night you bring all your not yet Lindy Hoping friends. The evening kicks-off with a 1h beginners Lindy Hop taster class.

Tonight’s the night you bring all your not yet Lindy Hoping friends. The evening kicks-off with a 1h beginners Lindy Hop taster class.

New to Lindy Hop?

Just drop-in at 7 pm and we’ll teach ya some moves.

When & where

  • Open: 19-22
  • Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 19-20 included in the social dance fee
  • Social dance 20-22
  • Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
  • Social dance entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members

Monday Night Swing

A informal social dance focusing mainly on the swing dance Lindy Hop aka Jitter Bug



First new year swing dance

little swing dance event celebrating that the new year has started

Once again the Ministry of Balboa welcomes you all to our little swing dance event celebrating that the new year has started. We will play swing music from 19:00 to 22:00 and also upstairs do a taster for those that want an introduction to Balboa.

Monday Night Swing: Season Premiere

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund.

Tonight there will be happy people swinging out at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

When & where

Open: 19-22
Open volunteer meeting: 19-20
Social dance 20-22
Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
Social dance entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-members


Vill du vara med och skapa, påverka, göra större, dra ditt strå till stacken eller helt enkelt bara jobba i utbyte mot gratis kurser och inträde?
Om svaret är ja eller åtminstone kanske så tycker jag du ska komma till Öppet volontärsmöte för swingscenen i Malmö och Lund