BIG thank to teachers, volunteers and participants who participated in the autumn semester!
We only got an advanced Lindy Hop class and the last social dance at Cats’ Corner left before we take a winter break. More in the calendar and the printable overview.
Registration for the spring 2024 courses just opened, but no stress as everyone who registers until noon December 21st has the same chance of getting a spot as we will raffle the queue order. Read updated info about raffle and queue.
Balboa, Solo Jazz and Blues dancing now have their own pages.
Lindy Hop 2024 schedule , Lindy Hop levels and essential building blocks
Social dances and events
We start the year with an unofficial Blues dance party January 6th. Monday Night Swing kicks off January 15th and Cats’ Corners start their Wednesday Night Hop January 10th. All three include a beginners drop-in class to send your friends to.
Wednesday Night Hop at Moriskan ris run by Cats Corner, a separate society with a separate membership, but we highly recommend it anyway.
We both need volunteers to make it happen.
More about volunteering for HepTown here and Cats’ Corner here.
Not yet mentioned on their page Cats’ Corner also needs a new door crew manager that actually gets a free semester of classes from HepTown…
All the best,
Your swing manager