Cats' Corner is happy to announce that MALMÖ SPRING JUMP IS BACK April 12-14 2024! Join us for a weekend of parties and Lindy Hop/solo jazz workshops in Malmö. Registration opens on Saturday February 3rd at 12:00! For more and the latest information, such as event schedule, levels, etc, head over to: Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Malmö Spring Jump 2024 April 12-14th”
💚💚 Soon it's spring (it's just a short winter in between) and then Copenhagen Lindy Exchange is back! WHEN? Mark April 25-28 in your calendar, shine your shoes, and prepare your best dancing socks! INFORMATION? Follow this event and our webpage for coming details and updates Now, prepare yourself for a wonderful weekend with … Fortsätt läsa ”Copenhagen Lindy Exchange 2024”