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Fast Feet Thursday Night Swing IV – New date!
april 12, 2018 @ 20:00 - 22:00

As part of the Collegiate Shag beginners course there will be a fast swing social four Thursday nights at Underverket. This social dance is free if you are the course, but also open for everyone to drop in.
- Open: 20-22
- Fee: 30kr
- Dates: 15/3, 22/3, 29/3 and 5/4
- DJ: Tony KI Nilsson
- Venue: Underverket, Hasselgatan 8 in Malmö. On the corner of the building there is a sign that says ”Underverket”, pointing down into the underground venue… https://goo.gl/maps/jPdWNAXpx122
Doors are locked at 20:30
The main entrance will be locked during the class 18.30-20.00 and after 20.30. To get in after that please call Tony at 073-706 81 76