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Fast Swing Fling
juni 21, 2019 @ 17:00 - juni 23, 2019 @ 23:55

Fast Swing Fling is the first event in a series of three, focusing on Ladies who Lead, better known as #LeadingLadies. This event will offer a wide array of fast swing dances, to cater to new dancers and experienced dancers alike. All classes will be open-role, which means that you don’t have to sign up as a lead or follow, but just show up to the class you fancy. Some of the teachers run their classes in ELEF (Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows) style, some prefer to have you pick a role at the beginning of the class and stick with it throughout the class.
Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of dance ability and gender, and the event will have a Code of Conduct to ensure that everyone feels safe over the weekend.
Anna & Johanna (GER)
Alena & Davido (GER)
Chott & Niomi (DK/UK)
Dance styles on offer:
Collegiate Shag
St. Louis Shag
20’s Charleston
Friday Night: HFS Party – LIVE MUSIC! Norbert Susemihl’s Joyful Gumbo Quartet
130 DKK on the door, or get a Party Pass or Full Pass for the weekend
Saturday Night: Fast Swing Fling Party – Toolbox Orchestra (GER) at HFS
150 DKK on the door or get a Party Pass or Full Pass for the weekend
Sunday Afternoon/evening: Outdoor dancing at Dansepladsen in Fælledparken
Free, bring your own food
Mix & Switch Saturday night with a lovely price for the winners! <3
Programme for the weekend:
Full weekend (Including two nights of live music) – 900 DKK
Single day of class, no parties – 550 DKK
Party Pass (two nights of live music) – 250 DKK
Registation Opens 1st May 8pm CEST