Lindy Hop prova-på för nybörjare
Swing in the park 1/7
Stadsparken i Lund Stadsparksgången, Lund, SEYes, HepTown and Sommar Lund invites you to swing in the park every Wednesday from the 1st of July to 12th of August. Not an online event. It just got stuck on that on Facebook.... We take this opportunely to work on our solo swing dance as it's an important and fun part of becoming … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 1/7”
Swing in the park 29/7
Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SEYes, HepTown and Sommar Lund invites you to swing in the park every Wednesday from the 1st of July to 12th of August. Tonight we give you the opportunity to try Lindy Hop. An Afro-American swing dance from Harlem NY that is danced all over the world. *Tonight will do the class without the usual … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 29/7”
Swing in the park 12/8 Season finale!
Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SEYes, HepTown and Sommar Lund invites you to swing in the park every Wednesday from the 1st of July to 12th of August. Tonight we give you the opportunity to try Lindy Hop. An Afro-American swing dance from Harlem NY that is danced all over the world. *Tonight will do the class without the usual … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 12/8 Season finale!”
Monday Night Swing Dance at Grand Hotel Ballroom
Grand Hotel i Lund Bantorget 1, Lund, SEHepTown and Grand Hotel i Lund invites you to swing dance in the amazing ballroom that is also the new home of our Monday Night Swing. If you are new to Lindy Hop both the 7th and the 14th of September evenings offer beginners classes in this wonderful Swingin' Afro-American couple dance from 20s Harmem, … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing Dance at Grand Hotel Ballroom”
Monday Night Swing: Beginners Lindy Hop & 20s Charleston
Grand Hotel i Lund Bantorget 1, Lund, SEHepTown and Grand Hotel i Lund invites you to swing dance in the amazing ballroom that is also the new home of our Monday Night Swing. If you are new to Lindy Hop this evening offer beginners classes in this wonderful Swingin' Afro-American couple dance from 20s Harmem, NY... If you are an experienced dancer … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing: Beginners Lindy Hop & 20s Charleston”
INSTÄLLD: Gratis dansfest Swing Salsa Tango Rumba flamenca
Den publika dansfesten är inställd men det kommer under dagen att spelas in instruktionsklipp som senare ska kunna ses online..... Dansfest men gratis prova-på för nybörjare i Tango, Salsa, Lindy Hop och Rumba flamenca på det gigantiska dansgolvet i Folkparken Lund. Alla är välkomna men max 50 personer åt gången enligt nuvarande restriktioner. Det är … Fortsätt läsa ”INSTÄLLD: Gratis dansfest Swing Salsa Tango Rumba flamenca”
Swing in the park 7/7 Lindy Hop & Uptown shuffle
On the 7th of July there is a Lindy Hop Class for beginners and an "Authentic Jazz" solo dance class for the more experienced dancer You can't book these evenings in advance. Just be there early to grab one of the 50 spots for each part. HOURS Open: 18.30 – 21.00 Cost: Free* Beginners Lindy … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 7/7 Lindy Hop & Uptown shuffle”
Swing in the park 14/7 Lindy Hop beginners & more advanced
On the l4th of July there is a Lindy Hop Class for beginners and a Lindy Hop Class for more experienced that need to get back in swing after the corona break... You can't book these evenings in advance. Just be there early to grab one of the 50 spots for each part. HOURS Open: … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 14/7 Lindy Hop beginners & more advanced”
Swing in the park 28/7 Lindy Hop beginners & Mama Stew
On the 28th of July there is a Lindy Hop Class for beginners and a solo jazz class for the more experienced dansers You can't book these evenings in advance. Just be there early to grab one of the 50 spots for each part. HOURS Open: 18.30 – 21.00 Cost: Free* Beginners Lindy Hop, 18:30-19:20 … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park 28/7 Lindy Hop beginners & Mama Stew”
Wednesday Swing with beginner Lindy hop taster
Nya Stenkulaskolan Östra Farmvägen 30, Malmö, SEDags för swing på onsdagarna igen! Tiderna är som de är, så det blir inte en vanlig Wednesday Night Hop, utan en Wednesday Swing. Vi kommer under September att dansa på Brändan i Malmö, som ligger inne på folkets park! Vi inleder kvällen med en prova på i Lindy Hop mellan 18-19. Värt att känna … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Swing with beginner Lindy hop taster”
Wednesday Swing with beginners Lindy hop taster
Nya Stenkulaskolan Östra Farmvägen 30, Malmö, SEDags för swing på onsdagarna igen! Tiderna är som de är, så det blir inte en vanlig Wednesday Night Hop, utan en Wednesday Swing. Vi kommer under September att dansa på Brändan i Malmö, som ligger inne på folkets park! Kvällen inleds med en nybörjare prova på i Lindy Hop mellan 18-19. Värt att känna … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Swing with beginners Lindy hop taster”
Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2021
Stenkrossen Kastanjegatan 13-15, Lund, SEPå en dansbana på Stenkrossens innergård bjuder massor av dansorganisationer upp till dans. Det brukar blir gratis Prova-på och uppvisningar i allt från magdans till Lindy Hop från kl 12 till midnatt med >20 av Lunds ca 50 olika dansorganisationer. Som vanlig besökare kommer det inte krävas någon föranmälan men vi kan komma att begränsa … Fortsätt läsa ”Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2021”
Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Lindy Hop 3/11 – Smygpremiär på Moriskan!
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners' Lindy Hop class at 7 pm. And the swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 19.00-19.45* (Stora salen) Social dance: 19.45-23.00 (Stora salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Lindy Hop 3/11 – Smygpremiär på Moriskan!”
Wednesday Night Hop Live, with Triangelkvartetten on stage
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Tonight we will have Triangelkvartetten playing for us live! Social dance: 19.45-23.00 -Live on stage: ~20.30 Ballroom door fee: 120kr, 90kr for Cats' Corner member's -Valid covid vaccination certificate is manadatory!* -Valid ID *You can download a covid vaccination certificate here According to … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop Live, with Triangelkvartetten on stage”
CANCELLED! Monday Night Swing
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEMonday Night Swing the 20th of December is cancelled, but we will be back the 10th of January at Mejeriet and at Kårhuset the 17th.... At the last Monday Night Swing this year we kick off the evening with a 1h beginners lindy hop class 18:15-19:15. After that there is a social dance with a … Fortsätt läsa ”CANCELLED! Monday Night Swing”
INSTÄLLD! Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa Tango och Flamenco
Folkparken Lund Trollebergsvägen 58, 227 31 Lund, Lund, SEInställd! Följ och gilla dansfesten så får du snart reda på nytt datum (preliminärt 28/1 2023) Årets stora dansfest är nu gratis och öppen för alla åldrar. Det blir en intensiv blandning av Salsa, Lindy Hop (swing), Tango och Rumba Flamenca, med överraskningar på scenen och på dansgolvet. Vi börjar kvällen med workshops i … Fortsätt läsa ”INSTÄLLD! Gratis dansfest med Swing Salsa Tango och Flamenco”
Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 14/2
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEJoin us and swing-out on the big smooth hard wood dance floor in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset in Lund. For those that are new to swing the evening starts with a 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some moves to … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 14/2”
Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 21/2
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SECome and swing it at the weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?. For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with a 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 21/2”
Småland Nation, Lund Lund, SEThis is a part of Smålands Nations cultural political week to celebrate 50 years as radicals. Check out the rest of the events here: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CATS AND DINOSAURS Lindy Hop workshop with HepTown 。・゚゚・・゚゚・。。・゚゚・・゚゚・。 It's with a warm hand and a beating heart we are welcoming the fantastic radical swing jazz band Cats and … Fortsätt läsa ”CATS AND DINOSAURS // LINDY HOP WORKSHOP WITH HEPTOWN // KONSERT & PUB // KPV 2022”
Wednesday Night Hop 6/4 + Beginners Lindy Hop
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening starts with a 1h beginners Lindy Hop. No pre-registration and no partner needed. Just drop-in and dance with us Tonight we're in the bit more cosy "Spegelsalen" instead of the usual "Stora salen" 18.30-19.30: Beginners Lindy Hop Taster (included in the door … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop 6/4 + Beginners Lindy Hop”
Wednesday Night Hop 13/4 + Beginners Lindy Hop
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening starts with a 1h beginners Lindy Hop. No pre-registration and no partner needed. Just drop-in and dance with us 18.30-19.30: Beginners Lindy Hop Taster (included in the door fee)** Social dance: 19.30-22.30 Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop 13/4 + Beginners Lindy Hop”
Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 4/5
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18.30-19.30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer for the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 4/5”
Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 9/5
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEJoin us and swing-out on the big smooth hard wood dance floor in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset in Lund. For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 9/5”
Monday Night Swing Finale + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 23/5
Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SEJoin us for the last swing-out this spring on the big smooth hard wood dance floor in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset in Lund. NOTE! A setting misstake closed the registration but it's now open again Pree-book entrance for best price For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing Finale + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 23/5”
Swing in the park | Lindy Hop | Swing Kids/Teens & Seniors
Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SEEnglish below…. HepTown och Visit Lund bjuder in till swing i parken varje onsdag från den 15 juni till den 3 augusti 2022, förutom 22 juni då det är uppehåll. KURSER OCH SOCIALDANS FÖR SWING-KIDS/TEENS OCH VUXNA Nytt för i år Swing Kids/Teens-kurser före våra vanliga Lindy Hop-kurser och en efterlängtad återkomst av socialdansen. Hela … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing in the park | Lindy Hop | Swing Kids/Teens & Seniors”