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Lindy Hop Party & Workshop
maj 10, 2018 @ 12:00 - maj 11, 2018 @ 03:00

Join us for a 4 hours beginners workshop, and have your swing dance party debut the very same night!
Have you heard about the lindy hop? It’s the happiest form of swing dance there is. Lindy hop is a partner dance that originates from Harlem, New York, in the 1930’s. It’s danced to the tunes of big bands, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington. Today, lindy hop is an international phenomenon, danced worldwide.
Lindy hop could be the thing for you, if
☆ you’d like to learn how to dance
☆ jazz music makes you happy
☆ you like to move it, move it
☆ you’re looking for a hobby that’ll put a smile on your face
In May, you have a chance to try the lindy hop. The Copenhagen Lindy Exchange is the biggest swing dance event of Denmark, with five days of live music and dancers from more than 30 countries. Still interested? Awesome!
At the beginners workshop, you’ll learn some basic moves, that can get you through the night. Together with experienced teachers and other enthusiastic beginners, you’ll get to practice, try, and succeed!
After the beginners workshop, you’re invited to the Thursday party at Docken. Here, you’ll see for yourself what it’s really all about: Dancing, laughing, meeting people, and having an overall good time.
When dancing, we think it’s a thrill to dance to live music. And we’ll have that at the Thursday party! An incredible and experienced swing dance live band is coming to play for us: Gentlemen & Gangsters
Price: 400 dkk
Place: Docken, Færgehavnsvej 35, 2150 Nordhavn
Time: Thursday, May 10th (Kristi Himmelfartsdag) from 12.00-16.00
Party: starts at 19.00
Live music: starts at 21.00
Party ends: 03.00
Frequently Asked Questions
“When registering, I’m asked to choose a role: Follower or leader. What is that?”
Lindy hop is a partner dance, meaning you’re dancing with someone. When dancing, there’s two roles: A leader and a follower. The leader initiates the movement, suggesting directions. The follower responds to these suggestions, and has the option of adding spice to the movement. The two roles have the same basic footwork, but different characteristics.
“Do I have to register with someone?”
No, not at all. At the workshop, we will rotate partners, so that everybody get to dance with everybody. However, we will balance the workshop, so we have an even number of people leading and people following. This also means, that if you do register with someone, and you choose opposite roles, then we’ll be able to offer you a spot immediately.
“Why do we have to change partners during the workshop?”
Lindy hop is a danced based on leading and following, and different people lead and follow differently. We believe that you’ll learn these skills better, if you change partner, instead of dancing with the same person all the time.
“I registered, but I am on a waiting list”
First of all: Yay, you registered! Your place on the waiting list means, that the registration is unbalanced, and that we’re waiting for people to register with the opposite role of yours to sign up. So if you’re registering as a lead, and you’re on the waiting list, that means that we have too many registered leads, and we’re waiting for people to register as follows in order to balance it out.
“This all sounds amazing, but one day is not enough for me”
Fear not. Copenhagen has a lively scene for lindy hop, so if you happen to catch the lindy bug, there’s rich opportunity for you to join classes afterwards. For example in SwingShoes, our sponsor for the lindy exchange.