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Event Series Lindy Hop Ynglingarum

Sensommarswing med Swing Street Trio

Gamla Skolan i Ynglingarum 6130, SE-243 73 Tjörnarp, Sverige

Picknickkonsert på dansbanan - medtag gärna egen picknick, dansskorna & en danspartner. Pris 150 kr. Subventionerat pris 120 kr om du kommer till fots eller cyklar. Bokning sker via mail till och betalning sker via swish till 0733305890 Swing Street Trio med LinaMaria Bengtsson på sång, Nick Christie på gitarr och Jens Lindström på … Fortsätt läsa ”Sensommarswing med Swing Street Trio”

Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Beginners class & social dance 22/8

Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SE

Sommar Lund är officiellt slut men dansgolvet står kvar så vi fortsätter dansa men på måndagar istället för onsdagar. 22 augusti inleds kvällen dessutom prova-på Lindy Hop för nybörjare. 22/8 Kvällen inleds med 1h prova-på i Lindy Hop sen socialdans till swingmusik 29/8 Kvällen inleds med 1h prova-på i Lindy Hop sen socialdans till … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Beginners class & social dance 22/8”

Blues dance in the park 23/8 | Blues class | Social dance

Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SE

August Tuesdays (from the 9th) are blues days in the Lund City Park tent: 🍕 18- Bring what you want to eat and join the blues picknick 💃🕺 18.30-19.30 Blues class (for beginners and experienced dancers alike, different themes each week) 🎶 19.30-21 Blues floor with DJ ☕ 21- After blues hangout nearby... The blues … Fortsätt läsa ”Blues dance in the park 23/8 | Blues class | Social dance”

Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Malmö 27-28/8

Ungdomens Hus Norra Skolgatan 10B, Malmö, Sweden

Nybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy Hop, a.k.a Jitterbugg, en Afroamerikansk pardans från 30-talets Harlem, vilken stilmässigt har mer gemensamt med dagens street-dance än annan pardans. Kursen riktar sig till vuxna men tonåringar som vågar är välkomna att delta. MER INFORMATION & OBLIGATORISK FÖRANMÄLAN < ### MER LINDY HOP-KURSER MER INFORMATION <> ** ENGLISH *** … Fortsätt läsa ”Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Malmö 27-28/8”

CANCELED!! Kiss Summer Goodbye: Jazz Picnic

Furutorpsparken Furutorpsgatan, Helsingborg, SE

Det verkar som att sommarvädret håller på att ta slut.. Tyvärr måste vi ställa in eventet ”jazz picnic” på söndag på grund av dålig väderprognos. Följ oss på vår sida för att hålla er uppdaterade om våra kommande evenemang. Tack för er förståelse. Seems that summer is in a hurry to leave us.. unfortunately, we … Fortsätt läsa ”CANCELED!! Kiss Summer Goodbye: Jazz Picnic”

Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Beginners class & social dance 29/8

Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SE

Vi dansar Lindy Hop varje måndag i Lund. 29 augusti är dock sista som som är gratis och ute i parken. Kvällen inleds dessutom med prova-på Lindy Hop för nybörjare. 22/8 Kvällen inleds med 1h prova-på i Lindy Hop sen socialdans till swingmusik 29/8 Kvällen inleds med 1h prova-på i Lindy Hop sen socialdans … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Beginners class & social dance 29/8”

Blues dance in the park 30/8 | Blues class | Social dance

Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SE

August Tuesdays (from the 9th) are blues days in the Lund City Park tent: 🍕 18- Bring what you want to eat and join the blues picknick 💃🕺 18.30-19.30 Blues class (for beginners and experienced dancers alike, different themes each week) 🎶 19.30-21 Blues floor with DJ ☕ 21- After blues hangout nearby... The blues … Fortsätt läsa ”Blues dance in the park 30/8 | Blues class | Social dance”

Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 31/8

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18.30-19.30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 31/8”

HFS Friday Party – The Jelly Rolls

Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DK

Friday Party in the home of happy feet! Join a great evening of dancing and hanging out in our cozy studio. The Jelly Rolls sextett will play wonderful dance tunes! Time: 19.00-01.00 Location: Ørnevej 33, 2400 Kbh NV (5min walk from Nørrebro station and the new metro station). Entrance: 160 kr. (student price: 130 kr. … Fortsätt läsa ”HFS Friday Party – The Jelly Rolls”

Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend outdoor in Lund 3-4/9

Sommarlunds dansbana Ringvägen 15, Lund, SE

Nybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy Hop, a.k.a Jitterbugg, en Afroamerikansk pardans från 30-talets Harlem, vilken stilmässigt har mer gemensamt med dagens street-dance än annan pardans. Kursen riktar sig till vuxna men tonåringar som vågar är välkomna att delta. MER INFORMATION & OBLIGATORISK FÖRANMÄLAN HITTA HIT Dansgolvet med vitt tälttak kommer att ligga i Stadsparken i Lund. … Fortsätt läsa ”Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend outdoor in Lund 3-4/9”

Swing Dance at NGBG Gatufest: Free taster class and live band Triangelkvartetten

NGBG - Norra Grängesbergsgata 23 (vid bosniska köket)

The NGBG Gatufest is back and Cats' Corner förening is opening 'Move on up' Stage (by Bosniska Köket) with a 30min Lindy hop workshop for complete beginners* followed by social dancing to Dj music and live music from Malmö's local Swing band: Triangelkvartetten**! Schedule 12-12:30 Lindy hop taster class 12:30-14:00 Swing music played by Triangelkvartetten … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing Dance at NGBG Gatufest: Free taster class and live band Triangelkvartetten”

Sunday Lindy Hop Courses & Practice Circle in Lund starts

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

On Sundays in Lund there are both Lindy Hop courses and a separate room to socialize and practice at Lerbäcksskolan. 15:00-16:00 4/9-2/10 Swing Kids/Teens 16:00-18:00 (+18:00-20-00) Family Lindy Study Circle & social dance 16:30-18:00 A. Lindy Hop Beginners' course (4/9-2/10) B. Lindy Hop Beg-continued (9/10-11/12) 18:15-19:45 SWITCH, STEAL & TAKEOVER MUSICALITY, SHOW & JAM STUDENTS' … Fortsätt läsa ”Sunday Lindy Hop Courses & Practice Circle in Lund starts”

Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 7/9

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18.30-19.30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 7/9”

Swing ’n’ Boogie

Kalkstensvägen 6, SE-224 78 Lund, Sverige

Socialdanskväll SWING n BOOGIE!! DJ spelar Lindy & Boogiemusik varvat mellan 19:00 - 22.00 och vi dansar "all night long"! Fredagar: 9/9, 28/10, 25/11, 16/12 kl 19:00 - 22:00 Plats: Kalkstensvägen 6, Lund Entré: 60 kr/medlemmar i Gåsasteget. 80 kr/icke medlem i Gåsasteget, betalas på plats med SWISH Ingen föranmälan, men markera gärna i eventet … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing ’n’ Boogie”

The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? Read more and sign-up here: There is no official instructor, but we already have other students that. wants to share different jazz routines. You choose if you want to train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics … Fortsätt läsa ”The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle”

The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? Read more and sign-up here: There is no official instructor, but we already have other students that. wants to share different jazz routines. You choose if you want to train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics … Fortsätt läsa ”The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle”

Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 14/9

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Beginners Lindy Hop taster class: 18.30-19.30 (Stora Salen) Social dance: 19.30-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: *Door fee includes the beginners taster class. **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners Lindy Hop class 14/9”

Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2022

Lundagård Lund, SE

På en dansbana på Tegnérsplatsen i Lundagård i centrala Lund bjuder massor av dansorganisationer upp till dans. Det blir gratis prova-på och uppvisningar i allt från magdans till Lindy Hop från kl 12 till midnatt med 20 av Lunds mer än 50 olika dansorganisationer. HITTA DIT Dansgolvet med vitt tälttak byggs på Tegnérsplatsen strax söder … Fortsätt läsa ”Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2022”

Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? You choose if you want to social dance, train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics mats and tools for those who want to practice acrobatics at their own risk. You are also welcome to set up a … Fortsätt läsa ”Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle”

The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? Read more and sign-up here: There is no official instructor, but we already have other students that. wants to share different jazz routines. You choose if you want to train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics … Fortsätt läsa ”The Jazz n’ Lindy Monday Study Circle”

Monday Night Swing + Start of Fall Lindy Hop courses

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SE

Come and swing-out at the weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. We mostly dance Lindy Hop but you can also find someone dancing Balboa and Collegiate Shag. New to Lindy Hop? Just drop-in and will have someone spend a song showing you a move or too.... Also checkout our beginners' weekends! Pree-book entrance … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing + Start of Fall Lindy Hop courses”

Wednesday Night Hop 21/9

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Volunteer at the front desk**: **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. For 30 min of your time, you'll receive free entrance for the night. There's a … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop 21/9”

Shaggin’ in the Rain 2022 – Collegiate Shag Festival in Copenhagen

Happy Feet Studio Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen, DK

We welcome you to join our first post-COVID edition of our cozy shag festival in Copenhagen! Join us for 3 days celebrating Collegiate Shag with swing music and dancing. We offer a weekend with classes on various levels, two parties & Sunday tea dancewith all with live music, fun competitions, Danish coziness in a lovely … Fortsätt läsa ”Shaggin’ in the Rain 2022 – Collegiate Shag Festival in Copenhagen”

Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, SE

Want to practice more and perhaps even share what you know with others? You choose if you want to social dance, train yourself, share and/or participate when others share. There are also gymnastics mats and tools for those who want to practice acrobatics at their own risk. You are also welcome to set up a … Fortsätt läsa ”Sunday Family Lindy Hop Study Circle”