The LAST Black Cat’s Blues Dance Party @ NGBG 16/3
NGBG Annelundsgatan 61, Malmö, SEThe Black Cat & Co is back for what is probably the very last blues party at NGBG before they need to leave their great house The party is formally a free, NGBG members only event. Thus you all need to become members of NGBG, arrive before 22:00 and sign up below to get in … Fortsätt läsa ”The LAST Black Cat’s Blues Dance Party @ NGBG 16/3”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 18/3
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 18/3”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 20/3
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members / students Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? We often need help … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 20/3”
Sunday Tea Dance – Perhaps With Collegiate Shag Taster
Ungdomens Hus (Torpgatan 21, Malmö)On Sunday, February 4th, Fast Feet Society is bringing back the fast tea dances. Join us at Ungdomens Hus for a slightly faster evening, perfect for all us Balboa, Shag, and fast lindy lovers. We’ll have dancing and fika for you all afternoon. kl. 14.00 - 15.00 Social or Taster in Collegiate Shag kl. 15.00 … Fortsätt läsa ”Sunday Tea Dance – Perhaps With Collegiate Shag Taster”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 25/3
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 25/3”
Swing Kids Lindy Hop med gratis prova-på i Malmö
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan Malmö Grynbodgatan 20, Malmö, SEVi har i HepTown inga egna Swing Kids kurser i Malmö men vi vill gärna att de finns så vi har skickat bästa LinaMaria & Jerry till SV för att hålla kurser i deras regi. Gratis prova-på FRAMFLYTTAD till 27/3 Kursstart FRAMFLYTTAD till 3/4 HepTown har många andra kurser evenemang som i huvudsak … Fortsätt läsa ”Swing Kids Lindy Hop med gratis prova-på i Malmö”
Wednesday Night Hop | Annual meeting 2024 | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 27/3
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Tonight’s dance will begin at 21:00 as we will start the evening with the annual meeting in Spegelsalen, where we will review the past year 2023. Review of the economy, results, activities and the election of board members for the … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Annual meeting 2024 | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 27/3”
Monday Night Swing | Drop in Beginner’s | BYO Dinner | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 1/4
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenIt's Easter Monday and while all our regular semester classes have a break we offer both a Lindy Hop drop in class for beginners and a BYO dinner in addition to our regular social dance Registration: More events and classes: Monday Night Swing: You are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Drop in Beginner’s | BYO Dinner | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 1/4”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | 3/4
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 - Social dance: 20.00-22.30 (Stora Salen) - Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members/students - DJ: TBA - Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö - Map: - Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | 3/4”
Monday Night Swing @ Smålands Nation 8/4
Smålands Nation Kastanjegatan 7, Lund, SEThe swing thing is moved to Smålands Nation! We're at Kårhuset almost very Monday. March 11th and April 8th is however moved to klubblokalen at Smålands nation. At Smålands it's a bit darker, cozier, rougher and last but not least cheaper to get in. Also less than 10min walk to our after dance hangout. The … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing @ Smålands Nation 8/4”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | Fast Floor | 10/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Tonight and most odd weeks will we have an extra dance floor in Spegel salen 20-21 with faster musik. Doors open: 20:00 - Social dance: 20.00-22.30 (Stora Salen) - Fast floor: 20.00-21.00 (Spegel salen) - Ballroom door fee: 80kr, … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | Fast Floor | 10/4”
Malmö Spring Jump 2024 April 12-14th
MalmöCats' Corner is happy to announce that MALMÖ SPRING JUMP IS BACK April 12-14 2024! Join us for a weekend of parties and Lindy Hop/solo jazz workshops in Malmö. Registration opens on Saturday February 3rd at 12:00! For more and the latest information, such as event schedule, levels, etc, head over to: Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Malmö Spring Jump 2024 April 12-14th”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 15/4
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 15/4”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 17/4
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members / students Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? We often need help … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 17/4”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 22/4
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 22/4”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | Fast Floor | 24/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, MalmöWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. EXTRA: Tonight and most odd weeks will we have an extra dance floor in Spegel salen 20-21 with faster musik. Doors open: 20:00 - Social dance: 20.00-22.30 (Stora Salen) - Fast floor: 20.00-21.00 (Spegel salen) - Ballroom door fee: 80kr, … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social Dance | Lindy Hop | Fast Floor | 24/4”
Copenhagen Lindy Exchange 2024
Copenhaguen, Denmark Copenhagen, DK💚💚 Soon it's spring (it's just a short winter in between) and then Copenhagen Lindy Exchange is back! WHEN? Mark April 25-28 in your calendar, shine your shoes, and prepare your best dancing socks! INFORMATION? Follow this event and our webpage for coming details and updates Now, prepare yourself for a wonderful weekend with … Fortsätt läsa ”Copenhagen Lindy Exchange 2024”
Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Malmö 27-28/4
Ungdomens Hus Norra Skolgatan 10B, Malmö, SwedenNybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy Hop, a.k.a Jitterbugg, en Afroamerikansk pardans från 30-talets Harlem, vilken stilmässigt har mer gemensamt med dagens street-dance än annan pardans. Kursen riktar sig till vuxna men tonåringar som vågar är välkomna att delta. Instruktörer: LinaMaria & Mattias MER INFORMATION & OBLIGATORISK FÖRANMÄLAN ### MER LINDY HOP-KURSER MER SWINGDANS … Fortsätt läsa ”Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Malmö 27-28/4”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 29/4
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 29/4”
Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 1/5
Moriska PaviljongenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members / students Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? We often need help … Fortsätt läsa ”Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | Lindy Hop | 1/5”
Sunday Tea Dance – Perhaps With Shag Taster
Ungdomens Hus (Torpgatan 21, Malmö)On Sunday, May 5th, Fast Feet Society is bringing back the fast tea dances. Join us at Ungdomens Hus for a slightly faster evening, perfect for all us Balboa, Shag, and fast lindy lovers. We’ll have dancing and fika for you all afternoon. kl. 14.00 - 15.00 Taster in Collegiate Shag kl. 15.00 - 1700 … Fortsätt läsa ”Sunday Tea Dance – Perhaps With Shag Taster”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 6/5
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenWelcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends! Registration: … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 6/5”
No Wednesday Night Hop tonight 8/5
Moriska PaviljongenWednesday Night Hop takes a break tonight the 8th of May and will be back next week with a really cool drop in Street Dance class that you don't want to miss. Pleas click attending to help spread the news. On both this pause and the next event
INSTÄLLT: livemusik, kurser i swing- & Bluesdans, swing kids, socialdans
Friisgatan 19, Malmö Friisgatan 19, MalmöSwing- och bluesdans dagen den 9 maj är tyvärr inställd. Det var ett gemensamt beslut av oss och bokare på Kultur & fritid Malmö som togs då alla aktiviteter behövde flyttas in i parken och att det där inte var möjlighet att ordna ett dansgolv. Under gällande omständigheter en viss lättnad men också sorg då … Fortsätt läsa ”INSTÄLLT: livemusik, kurser i swing- & Bluesdans, swing kids, socialdans”
Monday Night Swing | The Bee’s Knees | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 13/5
Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, SwedenSurprise! The Bee's Knees are buzzing in for an unplugged set tonight at our second to last Monday Night Swing! Join us for a night of social dancing in the spacious Kårhuset ballroom. Whether you're a seasoned Lindy Hopper or a curious newcomer, we welcome you! There's no formal lesson tonight, but don't worry! … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | The Bee’s Knees | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 13/5”