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Canceled! – Monday Night Swing 23/3

mars 23, 2020 @ 20:00 - 22:30

Vi pausar kurser och socialdans!

Kurser och socialdans pausas. Dans i influensa- och coronatider

Classes and socials are put on hold!

Classes and socials are put on hold! Dancing in times of flu and corona

Every Monday you are welcome to swing-out out at the weekly social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

Social swing dance

  • Social dance: 20-22.30!
  • Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
  • Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members*
  • DJ:

Please wait outside or in the foyer if you arrive before 19:45 so not to disturb the beginners continued course.

Later evening swing

As one of the classes overlap the social dance we will keep it going until 22.30 to give them the chance to social dance.




mars 23, 2020
20:00 - 22:30
Evenemang Kategorier:
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John Ericssons väg 3
Lund, 22100 SE
+ Google Map