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Shaggin’ in the Rain 2018 – Collegiate Shag Festival

september 28, 2018 @ 15:00 - september 30, 2018 @ 20:00

The second edition of Shaggin’ in the Rain will take place this coming september and since it’ll be a bit earlier this year it shouldn’t be so rainy which somehow fits us well so we can show Copenhagen from a better angle 😉

Join us for this weekend of 4 levels of Collegiate Shag, 3 days of parties and socials, fun competetions, sauna time and much more.

Keira Hansen & Ryan Martin, Texas (US) – read more: https://goo.gl/GGxBjn

***More teachers to be announced***

All parts of the event will take place at the incredible Happy Feet Studio so prepare for great dancefloors. See you at Ørnevej 33, 2400 Copenhagen NV
Check out the place: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BkCPuPygN0

PROGRAMME (preliminary):

17:00 – 19:00 Brush-up (separate sign up)

18:30 – 21:30 Check in at Happy Feet Studio and doors open
19:00 – 20:00 Theme classes (info will come)
20:00 – 01:00 Friday Welcome Party with live music – Paul Harrison Band feat Meshiya Lake (DK/UK/US) (See separate event with more details coming soon)

10:00 – 17:30 Collegiate Shag classes at 4 levels (more info soon)

19:00 – 20:00 Theme classes (info will come)
20:00 – 03:00 Shaggin’ in the Rain with live music – The Wholly Cats (SWE) (See separate event with more details coming soon)

10:30 – 16:30 Collegiate Shag classes at 4 levels (more info soon)

16:30 – 19:30 Sunday Tea Dance with DJ’s, cake, tea & coffee**
18:00 – 21:00 Sauna, socializing and “bring-your-own-dinner”-time at the Venue**

21:00 – ??:?? Moving to the Tipi-bar at “Verdenshjørnet” just around the corner for those who would like an extra drink (and maybe a shag dance on dust – it’s been tried and it’s fun)

*Enter the party with a Full pass, Party Pass or single ticket (120DKK at the door – Mobilepay or Cash)

**Enter the Tea Dance with a Full pass, Party Pass or a single ticket (50DKK at the door – Mobilepay or Cash). Everybody attending gets acces to the sauna, cake and coffee or tea for free.

FULL WORKSHOP (5h of classes + theme classes + Friday & Saturday party with live band both days + Sunday Tea Dance)
EARLYBIRD -800 DKK ~ approx. 105 € (unti 27th of August)
REGULAR – 900 DKK ~ approx. 120 €

Party pass – 220 DKK ~ approx. 30 €

Friday Party only – 120 DKK ~ approx. 15 € (Possible to pay in Danish cash or Mobilepay at the door)

Saturday Party only – 120 DKK ~ approx. 16 € (Possible to pay via registration or cash/Mobilepay at the door)

Sunday Tea Dance only – 50 DKK ~ approx. 7 € (Possible to pay via registration or cash/Mobilepay at the door)


Level 1: Raindrop (Beginner)

This level will start at the very beginning ensuring that you learn the technique, basics and soul of Collegiate Shag. So it is for everyone who would like to learn shag for the first time but also suitable if you already know some basics from a round of classes but want to try what a dancing festival is like or if you want to get a restart of the dance after som time away. The aim is to get comfortable with your basic technique and get to know figures and fun variations to play with during the weekend and after.

NOTE for Copenhagen dancers: You don’t need any prior Shag-experience but you might still feel most comfortable here, if you have finished (or nearly) Shag 1 at Happy Feet Studio or if you have gone through one round of Collegiate Shag at Hepcats.

Level 2: Light Rain (Intermediate)

You’ve already been dancing collegiate shag for a while and have attended weekly classes for almost half a year. You know various types of basics and variations but sometimes you still have to think about your footwork. You have reached a point where you can enjoy social dancing without having to worry too much about your technique. You have a growing repertoire of moves and social dance shag regularly. You are familiar with at least one version of the Shag-out and are comfortable with several forms of breaks or rythm-variations.

NOTE for Copenhagen Shagsters: This level is suitable for you if you have already finished at least one round of Shag 2 at Happy Feet Studio.

Level 3: Heavy rain (Intermediate/Advanced

This level is for relatively experienced shagsters who have danced regularly for at least a year and participated in at least one international Collegiate Shag festival.

You use breaks and can change between different rhythms (single and double time shag) and footwork techniques. Your styling and expression reflects the music, whether it be tiny and smooth or big and explosive. You use a range of figures and are comfortable dancing to faster music (220+ BPM).

NOTE for Copenhagen Shagsters: NOTE for Copenhagen Shagsters: This level is suitable for you if you have already finished at least one rounds of Shag 3 at Happy Feet Studio.

Level 4: Monsoon (Advanced)

This level is for very experienced shagsters who have already shagged around both on your home scene an internationally for at least one and a half years. You are ambitious and want to both drill technicality and flashy moves without losing control of either of those parts in your dancing. No song is to fast since you will always find a great way of playing with that big passion of shag. You might already teach at your home scene and if not it’s probably just a matter of time.

NOTE for Copenhagen Shagsters: This level is suitable for you if you are not just taking classes at the highest level available in Copenhagen but also have participated in several workshops both national and international or in general have more than 1 and a half years of experience with dancing collegiate shag. If any doubt please don’t hesitate to ask us in the organizing team about advice.



september 28, 2018 @ 15:00
september 30, 2018 @ 20:00


Happy Feet Studio
Ørnevej 33
Copenhagen, 2400 Denmark

