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SwingShoes audition for round 2 – 2018

februari 10, 2018 @ 09:00 - 14:00

Tid: Lørdag d. 10. februar kl. 9-14.
Sted: Livasalen, Lyrskovgade 4, 3. sal.

Jeg vil gerne med, hvad gør jeg?
Du klikker dig ind på dette Google Doc og melder dig på en tid:

Husk at kontrollere din tid et par dage inden audition. Mød op til tiden! Hvis du er rigtig smart, kommer du lidt før og varmer op inde i Haraldsalen, oppe på tredje sal (NB! Det er kun muligt i tidsrummet 9-13).

Skal jeg til audition?
Der er fire grunde til at gå til audition:
– Du går på (Amb.) Intermediate eller (Amb.) Intermediate Advanced og vil gerne rykke op.
– Du har aldrig danset i SwingShoes før og vil gerne placeres på et af vores hold.
– Du har holdt pause fra SwingShoes undervisning i mere end to runder (4 måneder).
– Du føler dig langt over niveau på dit hold og vil gerne springe et hold over. Du har selvfølgelig snakket med din underviser inden, og denne er enig.

Følgende er ikke grund til at komme til audition:
– Du vil gerne have personlig feedback uden at betale for det.

Hvordan foregår det?
Det er meget stille og roligt. Der er fire undervisere – to followere og to leads. Du danser to danse med to forskellige undervisere, mens de to andre kigger på. Efterfølgende vurderer underviserne dig, du får en kort feedback og en vurdering af hvilket hold, du passer bedst på.

Hvad nu hvis jeg ikke kan den dag?
Så må du komme til vores næste audition. Desværre.

Spørg løs her på eventet.

Venlig hilsen,

It’s time for audition again!

Time: Saturday, February 10th, 9-14.
Place: Livasalen, Lyrskovgade 4, 3rd floor.

I would like to join, what do I do?
Click on the link for the Google Sheet and write your name on one of the time slots:

Remember to check the sheet and your time a few days before the audition. Make sure to be there on time! If you’re really smart, you’ll be there a bit before to get to warm up in Haraldsalen on third floor.

Should I go to audition?
There are four reasons to join the audition:
– You are currently on (Amb.) Intermediate or (Amb.) Intermediate Advanced and would like to join classes on a higher level.
– You have danced, but never taken classes in SwingShoes before and would like to be placed on one of our levels.
– You have taken a break from classes in SwingShoes for more than two rounds (4 months).
– You feel, that you are far superior compared to your classmates, and so you would like the opportunity to skip a level. Of course, you have already discussed this matter with your teacher who agrees.

Please note that this is NOT a reason to come to the audition:
– You would like to get some personal feedback on your dance, without having to pay for it.

How does it work?
It’s very laid back. There’ll be four teachers – two follows and two leads. You’ll dance two dances with two different teaches, while the other two looks. Afterwards, the teachers will evaluate your dancing and give you their judgement of, what level you are fit for.

What if I can’t make it that day?
Then you have to wait until our next audition, unfortunately.

Ask away!

Best regards


februari 10, 2018
09:00 - 14:00
Evenemang Kategori:


Lyrskovgade 4
København, 1758 Denmark
+ Google Map

