Collegiate Shag in Malmö, Lund & Copenhagen

Below you will find HepTowns Collegiate Shag classes that we arrange in cooperation with Fast Feet Society and all Collegiate Shag events, groups and pages we can find around Öresund. please let us know what we missed.

Dance like the college kids of the 1930’s with this elegant and goofy dance! 
Collegiate shag is an African American vernacular dance from the 1930’s and 1940’s, and danced primarily to uptempo swing jazz music. While shag was danced all across the US, it is believed to have originated in the Carolinas in the 1920’s. Shag can be goofy and fun, or elegant and stylistic. Shag is for everyone, not just athletes!

Collegiate shag dance classes and events in Malmö and Lund that you can sign-up for right now

Collegiate shag dance events in and near Malmö and Lund

You can of course dance the Collegiate shag on a lot of more Lindy Hop ish events but below we try to list only the more dedicated Collegiate shag events. Events that at least have a Collegiate shag taster class and/or a dedicated fast more Shag friendly dance floor.

Collegiate shag groups and pages around Öresund