Moriska Paviljongen
Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 12/12
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Blues class at 8 pm which continues with a Blues social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Blues Dance Class 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) - Blues social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 12/12"
Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 24/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Blues class at 8 pm which continues with a Blues social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Blues Dance Class 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) - Blues social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 24/10"
Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Balboa Night 17/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Balboa class with Sweden Balboa Society at 8 pm which continues with a Balboa social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Balboa Dance Class : 20:00-21.00 … Continue reading "Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Balboa Night 17/10"
Wednesday Night Hop & Jazz Night 10/10
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a one hour beginners' authentic Jazz dance class. At the same time, the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Authentic Jazz Dance Class: 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) - Social dance: 19.45-23.00 - Bistro bar is … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Jazz Night 10/10"
Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Tap Dance 26/9
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners' Tap Dance class at 8 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm. - Beginners Tap Dance Class: 20.00-21.00* (Spegelsalen) - Social dance: 19.45-23.00 - Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Tap Dance 26/9"
Jedi mind tricks of Lindy Hop
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, Sweden“Who is really leading?” and “What defines to lead and follow?” These two questions are the base of this theme class with Tomi and Philippa. We will explore how follows can initiate movement in social dancing and how leaders improve their following while remaining in the leading role. Working with our listening skills and call … Continue reading "Jedi mind tricks of Lindy Hop"
Wednesday Night Hop & Shag Night 19/9
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Shag class at 8 pm which continues with a Shag social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Shag Dance Class : 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) - Shag … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Shag Night 19/9"
Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 12/9
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Blues class at 8 pm which continues with a Blues social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! - Beginners Blues Dance Class 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) - Blues social … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Blues Night 12/9"
Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Lindy Hop 5/9
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners' Lindy Hop class at 8 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm. - Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 20.00-21.00* - Social dance: 19.45-23.00 - Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop & Beginners’ Lindy Hop 5/9"
Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 13/6
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Blues class at 8 pm which continues with a Blues social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners Blues Dance Class 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) Blues social dance: 21:00-23:00 … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 13/6"
Theme class: Solo Jazz Choreography
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, Sweden"Dags att lära sig en fin gammal solojazz-koreografi som jag själv lärde mig på en workshop med JB & Tatiana. Vi går genom jazzstegen och lär oss samtidigt lite rytmvariationer och äldre jazzsteg som inte används så ofta längre. Välkomna!" - Anna Ludl Mandatory registration Duration: 2 Wednesdays Level: cdEF (this class is … Continue reading "Theme class: Solo Jazz Choreography"
Theme class: Lindy Hop Steal Dance
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenA very fun Lindy Hop theme class where you will learn how to steal the lead or follow from another coupe on the dance floor... ### Mandatory registration - Duration: 1 Wednesday - Level: DEF (this is a fun theme class where dance level matter less...) - HepCat-members' price for this course is … Continue reading "Theme class: Lindy Hop Steal Dance"
Wednesday Night Hop + Jam circle Night 16/5
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Jam circle class at 8 pm. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Everyone is welcome to join a Jam circle regardless of level and it's not a showcase but … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Jam circle Night 16/5"
Theme class: Lindy Hop Hi-jacks
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenLindy Hop is not just a strictly lead and follow dance.... Mandatory registration Duration: 1 Wednesday Level: DEF (this is a fun theme class where dance level matter less...) HepCat-members' price for this course is SEK 125 and membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.
Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Aerials Night 9/5
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Aerials class** at 8 pm which continues with an open Aerials training. At the same time, the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners' Aerials Class: 20:00-21.00 * ** (Spegelsalen) Open Aerials training: 21:00-23:00 … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Aerials Night 9/5"
Wednesday Night Hop + Mix ‘n’ Match Night 2/5
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Mix 'n' Match class at 8 pm. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! The evening will include a short Mix 'n' Match competition after the class. Everyone is welcome … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Mix ‘n’ Match Night 2/5"
Theme class: Back to Basics of Lindy Hop for advanced dancers
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenBack to basic En vis person skaldade en gång frasen ”It ain’t what you do, it’s the way how you do it”. Vi kommer under två kurstillfällen ta fasta på dessa ord och fundera på hur vi kan hitta nya infallsvinklar och ny lust att återvända till grundläggande steg och turer. Mandatory registration … Continue reading "Theme class: Back to Basics of Lindy Hop for advanced dancers"
Wednesday Night Hop Light with Coffee and Cookies 25/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop Light at Spegelsalen. Unfortunately Moriskans grand ballroom is not available but instead, the social dance will be held in Spegelsalen together with coffee and cookies a.k.a. fika which is included in the door fee. The swingin social dance starts at 7.45 pm! Members who bring homemade cookies … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop Light with Coffee and Cookies 25/4"
Theme class: Music theory for swing dancers
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenMusikteori för dansare Vi kommer att gå igenom musikteoretiska begrepp som puls, rytm, synkop, takt, swingunderdelning/triolfeeling m.m. Vi kommer att reda ut dessa begrepp, lyssna på musik och sätta ord på det vi hör för att sedan koppla ihop det med vår dans. Music theory for dancers We will review musical theoretical concepts such as … Continue reading "Theme class: Music theory for swing dancers"
Wednesday Night Hop + Boogie Woogie Night 18/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Boogie Woogie class at 8 pm which continues with a Boogie Woogie social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners Boogie Woogie Dance Class : 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Boogie Woogie Night 18/4"
Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Lindy Hop 11/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners' Lindy Hop class at 8 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm. Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 20.00-21.00* Social dance: 19.45-24.00 Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00 (Members of Cats' Corner has a … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Lindy Hop 11/4"
Theme class: Lindy Charleston
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenIn this Lindy Hop theme class Max and Anna will give you the tools to put more and more varied Charleston in your dance... Mandatory registration Duration: 2 Wednesdays Level: EF HepCat-members' price for this course is SEK 250 Membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.
Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 4/4
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a beginners' Blues class at 8 pm which continues with a Blues social dance. At the same time the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners Blues Dance Class : 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) Blues social dance: … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 4/4"
Wednesday Night Hop + Jazz Night 28/3
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenWelcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening includes a one hour beginners' authentic Jazz dance class. At the same time, the swingin social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom starts at 7.45 pm! Beginners Authentic Jazz Dance Class: 20:00-21.00 * (Spegelsalen) Social dance: 19.45-23.00 Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00 (Members … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop + Jazz Night 28/3"
Theme class: Solo Jazz Tranky Doo
Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, SwedenDuring two Wednesdays at Moriska Paviljongen the one and only LinaMaria will teach us the classic authentic jazz choreography Tranky Doo. Mandatory registration Duration: 2 Wednesdays Level: cdEF (this class is aimed at the highest levels but as we work solo lower levels that are up for a challenge are welcome to try...) … Continue reading "Theme class: Solo Jazz Tranky Doo"