Teknologkåren vid LTH

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  3. Teknologkåren vid LTH
Events at this venue

Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 6/3

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Welcome to a relaxed and welcoming social dance every Monday in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset where our swing DJs play very danceable swing music while you dance. We mostly dance Lindy Hop but you can also find someone dancing Balboa and Collegiate Shag. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just drop-in … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 6/3"

Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 27/2

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Welcome to a relaxed and welcoming social dance every Monday in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset where our swing DJs play very danceable swing music while you dance. We mostly dance Lindy Hop but you can also find someone dancing Balboa and Collegiate Shag. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just drop-in … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 27/2"

Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 20/2

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Welcome to a relaxed and welcoming social dance every Monday in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset where our swing DJs play very danceable swing music while you dance. We mostly dance Lindy Hop but you can also find someone dancing Balboa and Collegiate Shag. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just drop-in … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 20/2"

Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 6/2

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some moves to later use on the social dance. You are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance ability, … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 6/2"

Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 4-5/2

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Nybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy Hop, a.k.a Jitterbugg, en Afroamerikansk pardans från 30-talets Harlem, vilken stilmässigt har mer gemensamt med dagens street-dance än annan pardans. Kursen riktar sig till vuxna men tonåringar som vågar är välkomna att delta. MER INFORMATION & OBLIGATORISK FÖRANMÄLAN https://www.heptown.com/sv/kurser/ https://dans.se/heptown/shop/?event=168802&info=1 ### MER LINDY HOP-KURSER https://www.heptown.com/sv/kurser/schema/ LOKALEN Gasquesalen, Teknologkåren vid LTH, John … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 4-5/2"

Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 4-5/2

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Nybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy Hop, a.k.a Jitterbugg, en Afroamerikansk pardans från 30-talets Harlem, vilken stilmässigt har mer gemensamt med dagens street-dance än annan pardans. Kursen riktar sig till vuxna men tonåringar som vågar är välkomna att delta. MER INFORMATION & OBLIGATORISK FÖRANMÄLAN https://www.heptown.com/sv/kurser/ https://dans.se/heptown/shop/?event=168802&info=1 ### MER LINDY HOP-KURSER https://www.heptown.com/sv/kurser/schema/ LOKALEN Gasquesalen, Teknologkåren vid LTH, John … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Beginners’ Weekend in Lund 4-5/2"

Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 30/1

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some moves to later use on the social dance. You are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance ability, … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 30/1"

Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 30/1

Teknologkåren vid LTH John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

For those that are new to swing tonight the evening starts with an included 1h Lindy Hop class for beginners. It's a taster class were we will in a fun and easy way will give you some moves to later use on the social dance. You are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance ability, … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing + Beginners Lindy Hop Class 30/1"